Chapter IX

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I got startled and the mug I was holding crash to the floor. I just stared at the mug, then I stared at them. I raised an eyebrow. They smiled sheepishly and nudge each other. I sighed.

"Oh, won't you look at that....No one wants to offer aid to me! Maybe I should injure myself first!" I fake-stumble myself at them.

The both of them starts to come near me and help cleaning it up. After the cleaning-up session, I found myself seated at the same sofa but this time with two small children in front of me and an adult man doing *seiza at my side.

"Haru....Aki.....Did your paren-" I was cut off immediately.

"Tenn-nii." Damn...I am in a for a treat. Arata-san once told me that the twins once blow-up to the children at the daycare before and if I am not wrong, he did mention that after getting a scolding from these two, the children starts to respect and fear them more and....It just had to happen when I was out of town.

"Yes?" I looked at anywhere but them.

"You told us it was just a quick errand. You told us you would be back quickly. Was that a lie?" Haru, you just had to be the one questioning me don't you? But I think it's fair because Aki looked like he could kill with how he glared at me. Haha....If looks could actually kill.

"It's not a lie. It's just.....something came up."

"What is something?" Please stop. They are too overprotective.

"Something is......something."

"Tenn-nii. Is it something you can't tell us?" Aki speak up.


"That so...." They both looked down.

After a few seconds, they turned up their heads towards me-Wait...Just....Wait-Those eyes! I know those eyes. I shouldn't have taught them how to do that. It's too late to regret doing it now.

"E-even if you do that, I won't tell you a thing." They need to stop now or I might spill everything. Argh-I've become weak.

"Tenn-nii~" I glanced at the guy beside me. Pleading him to help and how often do you think you can see me pleading or begging someone to help me.

"Anyway! Don't you think you're way too protective of him. I mean-He's seventeen! He's almost an adult minus him being the most matured person here. He's not a baby, y'know." I smirk. He just gave me a great idea to avoid being question.

"I am not a baby huh? If I am not wrong you're the one who called me baby." He gulped while I just hold back my laugh.

"You called him what....?" The both of them glared at him. I myself starts to back away bit by bit. They looked like the killers fresh from the TV.

"Mikage Shun-san. Have any last wish?" 

They are truly scary.


It's sooooooo uncomfortable. Right now everyone is down. The news about Tamaki's sister totally surprised us.

"Tamaki. What if you open that letter?" I suggest.

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