It's gonna be chaotic

Start from the beginning

Before she could say anything, Adrian spoke up.

"Tío (uncle), it's better if we all sit down and then explain." Adrian said. Dad seemed reluctant but still went to sit down. Then all our cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents also sat down along with us, giving us worried looks while Lucas came over to check our wounds since he's the doctor.

After settling down, Roman, Rian and I started explaining everything, from the cars following us till the time Callan came. If you're wondering about Connor, yes he is here as well but is too engrossed in playing a video game on phone to understand what we're talking about.

When we finished, everyone was silent for a bit.

"¡Dios mio! (My God!)" Tío Benji muttered.

"I'm glad you guys got out of there safely." Grandpa said to us with a relieved smile.

"Thankfully help reached them in time." Tía (Aunty) Clair said, looking at Viv.

"You are one stubborn ass girl." Dad said to Viv who chuckled and smiled at him. He then signed and hugged her as well.

"But who the hell fucking dared to do this?" Dad then asked in anger, directing the question to Callan. Everyone else also looked at him for answers.

William's (Vivian's papá) POV:

I can't explain the anger I'm feeling right now. Who the hell in their fucking mind dared to attach my children?!

Signing deeply, Callan answered my question in anger, "The fucking Russians." This caused many of us to stand up in anger, anger boiling hot in us all.

"What?!" I growled in anger, jaws clenched. Connor jumped a bit due to the loud voice and looked at all of us. To not scare him, mom and my sisters-in-law took him out of the living room to distract him.

"How do they fucking dare to attach our children." Samuel exclaimed in anger.

"The Russians have been quite for too long. There's a reason for this attach." Papá stated.

Everyone was silent now, slithering in their anger. Looking at Callan's expression, I said, "That's not all, is it? There's more."

Nodding, he took out a letter from his pocket and gave it to me while saying, "They left this fucking note."

Reading it had me cursing loudly and shaking in boiling hot anger.

Looking at my reaction, Donovan took the letter from my hand and read it out loud for everyone to hear.

Hey William!

I really do hope that one of your boys was shot. Hopefully, it's your daughter next time.

It's Vivian, isn't it? Owner of The Celebrations.

Consider this shooting as a gift from me to you for finding your daughter after 22 years.

Last time, we separated you guys for 22 years. Now we're just gonna do it for the rest of your life.

Cherish the time you've got left with her.

See you soon,
Andrei Petrov

Hearing this, Roman, Jaxon and Andrew threw vases at the walls in anger while everyone else cursed.

"Dad, they have made a direct threat to Vivian now. Her identity isn't hidden anymore." Callan said to me.

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