🔥 home at last ❄️

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"Land, ho!" Yuuki shouted three days later.

I rushed abovedecks with Pakku and Naoki. Sure enough, a little white streak was visible against the horizon, growing bigger every minute.

I gathered my few belongings and stuffed it inside my knapsack, then helped prepare the ship to dock. My heart thumped in my chest as we sailed along the icy shore until we found home.

Home. The word felt almost foreign on my tongue. It had been so long since I've been here. I never meant to leave it, until fate played its cruel hand.

When we docked and anchored, I was the first one off the boat. I reached the entrance of the now-repaired snow wall, only to be met with the point of a spear.

"Who are you and- Y/n?"

My eyes met the spear-holder's.



He dropped the spear and I grabbed him in a hug, happy tears soaking both of our shoulders.

"You're back!" He said, grinning so widely I thought his face might split in half.

"Finally," I said, with a matching smile.

"Y/n," Pakku's voice said. "Would you mind introducing us?"

"Ah, right," I said, letting go of Sohta. "Sohta, this is Master Pakku, Naoki, and Yuuki. They're from the Northern Tribe."

"The Northern..." Sohta looked like he was about to have a brain aneurysm. "You went all the way to the North Pole???"

"Yep," I said casually. "They're here to strengthen the bond between our two tribes."

"Come on," he said, snatching up his spear from the ground. "I'll take you to see Kanna."

I saw Pakku's expression drop into nervousness. I laid a hand on his arm and gently guided him forward. Yuuki and Naoki followed us into the circle of igloos and tents. A crowd had gathered. Women and children came out to gawk at me and the newcomers.

"Y/n!" I let out a grunt as Kaori tacked me into a hug. "You're okay! I was so worried!"

"I'm fine," I grinned at her. She stood and helped me up, and I noticed something she definitely didn't have when I'd last seen her.

My fingers poked the circular pendant hanging at her throat. "Is that-"

Her cheeks flushed, and she glanced at Sohta's back. "We'll fill you in later. You kinda missed a few things. But I'm sure you've got crazier stories."

The mini procession stopped at the biggest igloo, where Katara and Sokka's grandmother stood. No one was standing in front of the seal-hide-flap door of my childhood hut, but I ignored that fact.

I practically had to shove Pakku forward to face Kanna. In all the months I'd known the old master, I never could've guessed that a woman would make him act like a shy tween.

Kanna's face was similar— going through every emotion from surprise to confusion to happiness to confliction.

Pakku stepped forward and bowed. "We are an expedition sent from Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Tribe. I am Master Pakku, and these are my students Yuuki and Naoki. And we've brought Y/n back home."

Mutters filled the air from the Southerners. Kanna held her hand up for quiet. Ever since Chief Hakoda had left for the war, she'd been acting as the de facto leader of the village.

"I can tell there's much to discuss," she said. "I would like to speak with Master Pakku alone for a few minutes. Akari, Keiko—" two girls stepped forward. "Please help the two students with their bags and show them to our guest igloo. Everyone else, return to your tasks."

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