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We acquired Fire Navy uniforms from the port Zhao's fleet was docked at.

And by acquired, I mean Zuko and I stole them from a storage compartment.

It took a while for me to find a uniform that fit me, since apparently all the ones they had were for men twice my size. The smallest helmet I could find was still a bit too big for my head. It kept slipping sideways and covering up one of the eyeholes of the removable face covering.

I stepped out to where Zuko was standing watch. He looked me up and down, although I couldn't see his expression.

"Well, you'll definitely be singled out for being the tiniest shipman."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Prince Scarface. You should be praying that no one gets close enough to notice that scar of yours."

"It's only for a little while," he grumbled. "I think I'll survive a few hours."


"Uncle came by while you were changing," he said. "He says Zhao doesn't suspect a thing. We'll be at the Northern Water Tribe by tomorrow."

I swallowed nervously. "It's a shame I won't get to see it before Zhao tries to destroy it."

"Do you think he'll win?" Zuko asked.

I stared at his expressionless mask. "I only know there's a reason the Northern Water Tribe has held on for a hundred years."

"Well, then," Zuko said. "I think we both hope that Zhao has a bad time."

"Oh, totally."


By noon the next day, we'd reached the Northern Water Tribe. I stood on the deck, staring at the massive capital city, made entirely of ice.

It certainly wasn't what I'd expected from a city that had been fighting for a century. It looked beautiful, serene... peaceful.

My heart ached to know that all that was about to come to an end. With luck, the Northern Waterbenders would repel the Fire Nation again. I hoped I wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.

Despite my trying to talk Zuko out of trying to capture Aang again, he was still dead-set on taking the Avatar. I didn't know how he planned to get to shore undetected by both Zhao's guards and the Northern soldiers.

Aang, Katara, and Sokka were in there somewhere. I had to get there somehow before the attack started.

I walked around the ship, trying to find Zuko, but I couldn't. The arranged code we'd come up with Iroh in order to know who it was, một người bạn đứng ở đây, 'a friend stands here', was from the ancient dialect of the Southern Tribe. Almost no one spoke it anymore, but I still remembered a few words. I'd walk up to a Fire Nation soldier that I thought was Zuko and say it quietly, and if they responded with "what?" or "excuse me?" or "bless you", I'd say that I was talking to myself, apologize, and quickly move on.

It had worked fine throughout last night, but now I couldn't find him anywhere, even as the sun set and the Fire fleet anchored for the night after a small initial bombardment. I supposed Zhao knew Waterbending was stronger at night, so he was going to wait till morning for reinforcements.

Which meant tonight was my best chance at slipping away.

As I walked back abovedecks, I noticed a few ships, maybe a dozen or so, smoking and damaged. I pointed them out to another guard walking past.

"What happened there?"

"You didn't see?" He asked behind his mask. His voice was too gravelly to be Zuko. "The Avatar took out their catapults. But we've got more where those came from. My bet is, in two days, the Northern Tribe will finally fall."

"Ah... yes," I said. "Let's... uh, hope it goes smoothly."

I hurried away quickly.

A few hours later, I was back abovedecks. The moon was almost full. I felt both the water below me and the moon above me call to my powers, flooding me with extra strength. I packed it away for later. If I tried to attack a Fire Admiral on his ship filled with his elite forces, I'd meet an unsavory end. Right now, I had to be focused on getting off this ship and into the Northern Tribe.

In the moonlight, I spotted a dark spot drifting away from the ship. I leaned over the deck, squinting.

Oh no...

It was Zuko, on a tiny dinghy, dressed in all white to blend in with the snow. He was rowing right towards the Water Tribe.

He's going to get himself killed.

And he didn't even tell me he was leaving.

That idiot.

I rushed belowdecks, to where the lifeboats were stored. Iroh stood there, watching his nephew fade into the darkness.

"Iroh!" I whisper-shouted, since I didn't want to draw unnecessary attention. "Why didn't you tell me Zuko was leaving?"

"He didn't want you to come," Iroh said, not turning to face me. "He said it'd be dangerous, and you'd get in the way."

"Oh, I intend to," I snarled. "Help me launch this lifeboat.

I went to untie one, but Iroh held out his arm, stopping me.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, I can't let you do this."

"What? Why not?"

"Capturing the Avatar is the only way my nephew has to restore everything he's lost. I can't let you stop him."

"You've never seemed very enthusiastic about it," I noted.

"I thought the Avatar was dead for the longest time," Iroh said. "And now that I know he's just a child... I don't take any pleasure in the idea of my brother holding him captive forever. But I will do everything I can for my nephew. And that is why I cannot let you go."

"You know this is wrong!" I raged. "You know that Zuko doesn't need his stupid asshole of a father to restore his honor! He can find another way! He doesn't need to do all this bullshit!"

"Calm down, Y/n, I know," Iroh said. "But even though I've tried to convince Zuko otherwise, this is the only way he sees to restore his honor."

I stared at him bitterly. "I'm going ashore, with or without your help."

Iroh inhaled sharply, and I prepared myself for a fire blast.

"I fear Zhao is going to do something horrible tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yeah? Who could've imagined he'd do something bad in a war with the entire Fire Navy at his disposal?"

Iroh turned, looking me in the eyes. "That's not all. He's going to something that will destroy everything, even the Fire Nation."

I had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

Iroh walked towards the door. "You have five minutes before I alert the Admiral that I saw one of his men deserting and fleeing on a lifeboat towards the Water Tribe fortifications."

Opposites Attract (Zuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now