🔥 the fire ship ❄️

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"I-I don't understand," I said. "Why am I here?"

The old man, Iroh, placed the teapot down on the desk. From somewhere in his robe he pulled out two porcelain teapots.

"You are aboard my nephew's ship," Iroh said. "We found you in the snow and brought you back to warm up."

"I'm not a prisoner?"

"That is up to my nephew."

"Right..." I hesitantly took the steaming teacup. "And who is your nephew?"

Iroh took a sip, assuring me that the tea was (probably) not poisoned. "Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation."

I coughed, choking on my tea. Iroh calmly offered me a napkin.

"You're kidding," I said after I'd recovered from the choking, but my dignity was more severely wounded. "The prince?"

"Afraid not, uh..." Iroh raised his bushy grey eyebrows. "What's your name?"

I hesitated, before telling him.


He nodded and smiled warmly. "A beautiful name for an equally beautiful girl."

I quirked an eyebrow at him. "Are you trying to hit on me?"

Iroh sipped some more tea. "I only say what I see."

"Oh. Well... thanks."

The ship groaned and began to move. I jumped up. "What was that?"

"We must be pulling out to sea," Iroh said in that ever-calm tone of his.

"Wait! You aren't taking me back?" I fixed a glare on the old man.

"As I said, that is up to my nephew. And I think he's got some more... pressing issues at hand."

"I'm going abovedecks," I declared. "I don't care if he's the prince. I'm going back home."

Iroh didn't try to stop me as I stormed out of the room and found the stairs leading to the deck. There was a single young man standing at the prow, dressed in Fire Nation armor.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Turn this ship around!"

The man turned around. Really, he was more of a boy, maybe even around my age. He was tall and well-built, with pale skin and golden amber eyes. A ponytail on the back of his head sprouted dark hair.

But the most noticeable thing about his features was a giant burn scar, covering a good amount of the left side of his face.

His amber eyes bored into mine. "Did you just try to give the Prince of the Fire Nation an order?"

"Yes," I glared back at him. "Let me go back home!"

He took a few steps towards me, but I held my ground. "My men saved you from freezing to death, and you have no gratitude."

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "Thanks for not letting me die. Now take me back home. Is that better?"

He seemed to consider for a bit. "No."

I clenched my fists. "So I'm a prisoner?"

"I already have one of those," the prince said. "I don't need another one."

"Then let me go!"

"I have somewhere important to be," he said, turning to watch an iceberg float by. "After I return home, I'll send you back to the South Pole."

I hissed through my teeth. "Not before your Fire Nation brutes kill me for being a..."

Fuck. Stupid mouth! I had a better chance of making it out alive if I didn't mention I could Waterbend.

Opposites Attract (Zuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now