🔥 agni kai ❄️

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I found Yuji a while later. Everyone was gathered around a small court-looking area, although I still saw no sign of Taijin, Jiro, or Hayumi. Luckily, there was no sight of Toshi either.

"What's going on?" I asked as I saw Zhao standing on the side of the arena. Zuko stood at the other side, with his back to Zhao's. Both were shoeless and shirtless and had large capes over their shoulders.

"The prince has challenged Commander Zhao to an Agni Kai," Yuji answered quietly.

"Agni Kai?" I repeated. "What's that?"

"An ancient Firebending custom," Yuji said. "A way to settle disputes. The two will fight until one burns the other."

I made a face. "That's... horrifying."

"Be that as it may," Yuji said. "The prince was in no mood to negotiate calmly."

A gong sounded, making me jump before my crutch caught my balance. I glanced up, seeing Toshi holding the mallet. Both Zhao and Zuko stood, dropping the capes over their shoulders to the ground.

"This will be over quickly," I heard Zhao say.

Well someone's cocky...

The two began their duel. Flames danced and shot around the two. I'd seen Zuko firebend before against Aang, but I'd never seen two Firebenders fight each other. My e/c eyes jumped from blast to blast, which passed almost too fast to concentrate on.

"Basics, Zuko!" Iroh shouted from the other side of the arena. "Break his root!"

His root? What did that mean?

Zuko was thrown backwards from one of Zhao's attacks. He managed to divert several more shots, but eventually he sprawled on the ground. Zhao leapt towards him, ready to end the duel.

Yuji shook his head. "Prince Zuko has never been great at Firebending."

At the last second, Zuko pushed himself up and swept Zhao's feet out from under him. The prince directed fire blast after blast at the commander's feet, forcing him backwards. Zhao fell and rolled onto his back. Zuko thrust his fist towards Zhao's face.

"Do it!" Zhao demanded, knowing when he was beat.

Zuko launched one last blast, and I winced, expecting Zhao's entire face, including his monkey sideburns, to be burned to a crisp.

But when the smoke cleared, the only thing burnt was a patch of floor next to Zhao's head.

"That's it?" Zhao spat. "Your father raised a coward!"

"Next time you get in my way, I promise, I won't hold back," Zuko snarled.

He turned to walk away, and Zhao rose to his feet. I could see the rage on his face right before he whirled around and kicked some fire towards the retreating prince.

Iroh intervened, grabbing Zhao's foot before the fire could reach Zuko. Zuko went to charge Zhao, but Iroh once again held him back.

"So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat?" Iroh asked. "Disgraceful. Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you."

Zuko glanced over at his uncle.

"Thanks again for the tea. It was delicious."

Why am I not surprised...

Zuko and Iroh left. I saw Zhao storm off towards a tent. All the soldiers dispersed, including Yuji.

"Y/n!" I heard my name being called and turned around.

Taijin and Hayumi were running towards me. Thank goodness Yuji had left and hadn't heard my real name.

"The ship is all fixed up," Taijin said, not even sounding the least bit out of breath. "We're all ready to go."

I bit my lip and looked at Zuko's ship, dwarfed in comparison to the rest of the Fire Navy ships. "Right... actually, Zhao agreed to put me aboard a ship heading back to the Fire Nation."

Hayumi's eyes widened. "What? Why? Were you discovered as a Wa-"

"No," I said. "Two of his men broke into the med bay and interrogated me. I told them I was from the Fire Nation, and they said I would never make it 'home' on Zuko's ship."

"And it looks like Prince Zuko isn't going to return home any time soon, either," Taijin said.

"But they don't know you're a Waterbender," Hayumi said. "If they find out, you'll be sent to prison. If you want to get back to the South Pole, I think Prince Zuko is your best bet."

"I'll get them to drop me off at some random Fire Nation town," I said. "I can find my way back from there."

"I don't think-" Taijin was cut off by a horn blasting from Zuko's ship.

"We're setting off now," Hayumi said. "It's your choice, Y/n."

I glanced back and forth between Zuko's ship and Zhao's tent. "Do you know where Zuko's going next?"

"No clue," Taijin admitted. "But it's not the Fire Nation."

"Probably somewhere in the Earth Kingdom," Hayumi said. "But the southernmost point of the Fire Nation is closer to the South Pole."

"The Fire Nation it is, then," I decided. "I can make it through a few villages."

"All right," Taijin said, though his expression was tense. "Good luck."

"You too," I said, shaking his hand and then Hayumi's. "Thanks for everything."

A second horn was blown, and Hayumi and Taijin raced back towards the ship. I waved at Hayumi as she boarded and the gangplank was raised.

"Ah, there you are Suzume," Toshi's voice said behind me. I turned around, still clutching the trunk of scrolls in my hands. I hadn't dared to put it down since I left Zuko's ship.

"Commander Zhao has agreed to send you off tomorrow morning," he said. "Where should we drop you off?"

I sent him a smile, hoping he'd see it as sincere. "Just the south coast of the Fire Nation. That's where my mother's last letter came from."

"Very well," he turned away. "I'll show you to a spare tent. I'd advise you to get some rest before we leave."

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