🔥 break-in-and-out ❄️

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I refilled Katara's flask of water, left the rest of the frogs, and set off back towards the bog. The sun was setting. There were footprints leading the way the archers had taken Aang. They had to have realized I was gone by now. It was only a matter of time until they came back. I followed the footprints up to a walled fortress flying the flags of the Fire Nation.

That must be where they're holding Aang.

I walked in a circle, looking for entrances. There was one main gate, but it was flanked by several Fire Nation soldiers. I walked around, but didn't see any other entrances.

How am I supposed to get in there?

Before I could decide on how to quietly break in, I heard a rustle in the bushes behind me. I turned around, seeing a black-clad figure creeping through the darkness. I drew my knives, ready to attack.

The male's figure was dressed entirely in black, except for a creepy smiling blue-and-white mask over their face. He wielded a pair of duel swords.

I crouched in an attacking stance, but the guy didn't seem to want to fight. He put a finger to his painted smile.

"Who are you?" I hissed.

The figure shook his head, making a come-here gesture with his fingers. Hesitantly, I joined him behind a bush. He pointed to the cloth sash over my belt, then to my face. I nodded and tied the cloth over my face, securing it on the back of my neck, so nothing below my e/c eyes was visible.

The sound of wheels turning caught my attention. A wagon pulled by a Komodo rhino was approaching.

Blue Mask tapped my hand. He pointed at the underside of the wagon.

Next thing I knew, I was clinging to the underside of a Fire Nation supply wagon with a creepy mysterious masked dude. The guards stationed at the gate inspected the wagon, but before they could check the underside, Blue Mask had pulled me out and we slipped inside. When the wagon next came to a stop, we snuck out and into the shadows. My heart pounded, thinking that at any moment we might be caught.

But we weren't, and soon we'd gotten inside the fortress.

Blue Mask didn't seem particularly keen to wait for me to catch up. He moved so quickly and confidently through the fortress that I was convinced he had to know the layout. Maybe he was a former soldier for the Fire Nation?

I followed Blue Mask through the red corridors and up a few flights of stairs. Blue Mask easily took down any guards we happened to run across. He stopped at one corner and pointed to the left. Then he took the helmet off the last guard he defeated and tossed it down the hall. I heard footsteps coming this way. One guard appeared from around the corner, but Blue Mask quickly tied him up, dangling him from the ceiling.

Damn. This guy is good.

Two more guards came, and I attacked one, knocking him out with a hilt to the helmet. Blue Mask had no problem subduing the second. We turned the corner, seeing one last guard standing in front of a massive door. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was behind it. The guard went to sound the alarm, but Blue Mask threw a knife and knocked his hand away. The guard shot a blast of fire, which I quickly doused with water from my flask, then sent the water back at him, knocking him off his feet. Blue Mask ran in with his swords and finished the job.

I kicked the gagged and tied guard away from the door as Blue Mask unlocked it and swung it open. Then he ran inside, swords still drawn. Aang screamed in fear.

"Wait don't hurt him!" I yelled, but there was no need. Blue Mask simply cut the chains binding Aang's hands and feet.

"Who are you?" Aang asked. "What's going on? Are you here to rescue me?"

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