🔥 innocent or guilty ❄️

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Oops broke my wrist that's why I haven't been updating but I also have like a gajillion prewritten parts already so might as well start working through those :P


Jet put us up in a spare treehouse.

Because... apparently the dude just happened to have extra treehouses lying around that weren't currently in use.

"Hm," he said, fidgeting with his blade of wheat. "This place comfortably fits only three. Y/n, if you'd like, there's another spare house. I'll show you."

I didn't want to seem rude, so I followed him across a bridge. I was having a hard time getting a read on this Jet fellow. I didn't know if I could trust him or not. Sure, he seemed all heroic, and he certainly had Katara wrapped around his finger, but I wasn't so easily trusting.

"Here," Jet said, showing me another treehouse. It was smaller than the first, but since I was the only one, it would work pretty well.

"Thanks," I said.

"I figured since you're the oldest, you would appreciate some privacy," Jet said.

"Yea- wait, how'd you know I was the oldest?"

"Oh. Katara told me. She says you're an excellent Waterbender. I gotta say, that pillar of water you used to get up here was pretty impressive."

Either he was flattering, or just being nice. I played it safe.

"Thanks. You're pretty good with those swords."

"I've been using them for a while," Jet said. "But I never had a teacher. Everything I know I picked up from using them out in the wild."

"Sometimes that's the best way to learn," I said. "But with bending... behind a good Bender is an even better teacher."

Jet nodded. "Hey, you remember that town I was talking about earlier? The one that had been taken over by the Fire Nation?"

I nodded.

"Tomorrow morning, I'd like to take you to see it. I've got a plan on how to liberate the town, but I'm gonna need the help of an expert Waterbender. They're a little short around these areas."

I couldn't help but laugh, although there was a bitter taste in my mouth. "Yeah, I can imagine."


The next day, I was up at dawn. Jet told me to meet him at the tree we'd come up on. It took me a while to navigate the maze of zip lines and bridges and treehouses, but I eventually made it. Two minutes later, Jet arrived, his hooked swords on his back.

"Sorry I'm late. Let's go."

We slid down the ropes hanging from the branches and walked quickly but silently through the forest. Jet was constantly looking over his shoulder.

"I'll bet there are more Fire Nation soldiers out here, like the ones we ran into yesterday," he said. "Gotta be aware of your surroundings, at all times."

We reached the edge of a cliff that looked over a river. On the other side of the river was a walled town.

"That's it," Jet said, pointing to the village.

"I see," I said. "So, what's your plan?"

"There's no one in the town but Fire Nation soldiers. They rely on the river for bathing, drinking, and receiving supplies," Jet said. "I had this thought a long time ago... what if we could somehow cut their water source off? Only return it if the Fire Nation agrees to abandon the town. Of course, it's crazy talk, since no one can divert an entire river, except..."

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