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Soon after the first friends came, along came the others. Now, everyone was once again in Mark and Nara's home.

"Im bored." Jisung said, immediately making everyone look at him. "And hungry. Can we go out to eat?"

And a bit like how Nara predicted, the group stayed in their home. However, instead of making a big trip out, they decided to just do take out and get a big meal.

"Will they deliver or is someone picking it up?" Chenle asked, taking a bite of the banana he got as a snack for the meantime.

"I think deliver, no? It'll be easier for us." Mark said, looking at the menu with his phone.

"But it won't be easy for the workers. I say you should go pick it up. Specifically with Nara." Jisung said, raising his chin up high so he could show he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I agree!"

"So do I!"

Everyone ended up agreeing which forced Mark and Nara to order through the phone and then go pick up the food.

"They're acting strange, right?" Nara asked as they got in the car, still confused by everyone's actions in the home.

"Most definitely. They're being so weird recently." Mark said as he started the car, his music immediately playing and the two sang along.

Whenever they were in the car, the mood went up as they sang along to many songs together, simply enjoying the presence of one another.

This time, it was a bit different.

Every single time before, they never got the time to think. All they did was enjoy the moment and sing their hearts out as their minds focused on lyrics for songs.

But this time, Mark couldn't sing to his full extent.

There was so many things on his mind, such as how he felt now that he had been a father for a while and finally coming to full terms with everything in his life. He kept glancing over at Nara, smile on his face as he watched her sing her heart out while he softly sang along as well.

Nara was quick to notice his lack of effort and stopped singing, shaking his hand that she held to get his attention.

"What's wrong?" Nara asked, a bit saddened at his lack of effort and Mark shook his head.

"Absolutely nothing." Mark replied, smile on his face, "Trust me. Everything's perfect. Why're you asking?"

"You're not singing." Nara said and Mark laughed a bit at the response.

"I am though."

"Not like how you used to."

Mark sighed as he pulled into the parking spot of the restaurant they had ordered from.

"Trust me. Nothing is wrong. If something were wrong, I would tell you. I'm just... thinking." Mark said and Nara furrowed her brows at that.

"Thinking about what?"

"About us."

"Is it bad things?"

Mark could only laugh at his soulmate's worries. He found it adorable how much she truly cared about their relationship and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

"Not bad things at all." Mark replied, hoping to calm the nerves of Nara.

"It better not be." Nara replied, placing a small kiss on his hand. "Let's go get the food now."

And so the two exited the car, entering the restaurant and obtaining the food they had ordered (which happened to be a lot).

"Holy shit it's cold." Mark said as they entered the car once again, their food in the backseat and buckled in attempts to not make the food go everywhere.

"I still don't get why they would make us come all the way here." Nara said, blowing into her hands to warm them up before grabbing Mark's when he shrugged.

"I don't either but there's no questioning my friends. Those stubborn motherfuckers will not spill anything." Mark said, making Nara laugh a bit.

The car ride started again, Mark finally singing his heart out with Nara which made her happy. She was glad everything was fine but she couldn't help but wonder what was going on and wanted to figure it out.

And so she decided to try.

"What were you thinking about earlier?" Nara asked as soon as Mark parked the car in their driveway, catching his breath from the loud karaoke he did with Nara.

"I told you, babe. It was about us." Mark replied, looking over at her.

"Yeah but... what specifically about us?" Nara asked and Mark sighed as he collected his own thoughts and tried to figure out a way to put them into words.

"Just about our future. We have a kid, we're soulmates, and everything is going so well with us. I was thinking about how happy I am with you and how I can't wait for future adventures with you. I know it really hasn't been that long but I genuinely enjoy your presence and enjoy being your soulmate." Mark said and Nara felt her heart melting.

She unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over to Mark, clasping his face and pressing her lips onto his which he didn't complain about and happily accepted.

"I enjoy being your soulmate, too. I like you so much more than you can imagine. As a matter of fact, I lo-"

Just then, a scream was heard outside and interrupted Nara.

To their surprise, it was Chenle screaming and running back inside the house, yelling that their food was now there.

"He's strange. But cute." Nara said, laughing with Mark at the comment.

"Let's get his food down so he can stop yelling." Mark said, completely forgetting about the words that were about to leave Nara's mouth as Chenle had completely deafened him from even noticing that she was about to say the words.

"Yeah. Let's do it." Nara replied.

And with that, the two gave each other one more small kiss before exiting the car, making sure to grab the food from the backseat and entering the home where they were happily greeted by everyone.

───── ⋆⋅♡ ⋅⋆ ─────
"I'm surprised it wasn't Jisung this time." Someone said, popping a chip into their mouth as they observed.

"Dude, Chenle and Jisung suck at this."

"Yeah. We gotta teach them."

"You can do it. I refuse to teach Chenle. Have you seen the way that guy is?"


"Maybe we should just leave them like that."


"And Maybe they'll say those three words soon."

"Hopefully you're right."

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