Who's The Real Thief?

Start from the beginning

Earl: Whoa! Slow down there, Bob. You're making the rest of us look bad.

Bells ring. And i sit down with Earl outside

Sonic: Sorry, Earl. Just trying to finish so I can knock off early.

Earl: Big plan tonight? Not like there's much to do around here except playing horseshoes.

Horseshoe hits Earl in the head. That's gotta hurt.

Co-Worker: Whoops. Sorry, Earl.

Sonic: I'm on the trail of a man that did me wrong.

Earl: That's so? You know, a fella just came through town. In a real hurry, too. Heading toward the East Forest, yonder. Well, these crates ain't gonna stack themselves. Unless they're self-stacking crates. Heh. That'd be sweet.

Horseshoe hits Earl on the head, again. This time, Earl passes out.

Co-Worker: Sorry, Earl!

Then I run over and see that Earl is not waking up.

Sonic: Earl? EARL?!

I gotta help him now

Yasemin's POV

(in the forest)

Yasemin: (talking on my communicator) Sonic, it's me. Where are you and what's going on? Call me back when you get this. I'm worried about you.

Then I hear footsteps so I hide under a bush and I see Knuckles walking towards the trail I was going to.

Knuckles sniffs the twig and licks it.

Knuckles: Mm-hmm. Sonic was here.

Then while listening to Knuckles I hear a sudden noise. And i see the other villagers approaching him. I hide my face and try to listen in on the conversation. They were apparently following Knuckles. And they are on the lookout for Sonic too. I gotta hurry up and find him as quick as i can. I just hope he's safe.

Sonic's POV

Now that Earl has passed out, the Doctor was now checking up on him

Sonic: What is it, Doc?

Doc: Well, the scientific term is he got hit in the head with too many horseshoes.

Sonic: You gotta help him!

Doc: Oh, sure. Let me just... whip up some Anti-Horseshoe Elixir.

Sonic: Hey if you can't help him, just say so.

Doc: No, seriously. I've got a recipe for Anti-Horseshoe Elixir. I just need some pink orchid root. It only grows in the West Forest.

Wait but didn't Earl tell me he saw something strange in the East forest?

Sonic: Oh. I don't suppose it's anywhere near the East Forest.

Doc walks away. And I look over at Earl and try to think of a way I can help both Earl and myself.

Sonic: If I'm gonna catch the guy who framed me, I gotta go East. But if I'm gonna help you, I gotta go West.

Then I decide on what to do. I gotta make a quick trip to the West then I'll go through the East as quick as I can. It's the only way. Then right as I was about to approach outside, I saw Knuckles. It looks like he's on the case to catch me. I gotta get away from him.

Knuckles: Excuse me, ma'am. I'm looking for this guy. Goes by the name Sonic. And he's very fast.

Then I make my chance to run past Knuckles very fast.

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