Chapter 2.

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" my excuse? seriously? i never knew that happened to you, that was probably the part of my family that.. you know.. assassinates people.. but im sorry, i never realized! i could do anything to make it u-"

" let us reveal your power. " says a boy with orange-y-brown hair. " Austin are you serious? That could make her a even bigger threat to all of us. " Daisuke says. " Well, maybe since shes not here to hurt us.. we could use her for the better..?"

"look, im not here to stay, im just here to get Henna and leave. We mean no harm! I promise. Why would I study this place just to walk in?" " Because you're an assassin, duh. " Luz says. " Where did you even come fr- " 

" if we hold her captive, her other 'family' might come to find her. But I assume they didn't want you knowing about this stuff because you dont have a power? " Tokyo guesses. " I- Yeah.. But why would I ever need to hurt you guys? You never did anything to me, and I don't have a desire to become an assassin. Could you please help me get my power? " 

Everyone steps back and forms a circle.

" Dai, do you think we should trust her? " -tokyo

" i dont know, I dont think so. she could be acting all goodie-goodie, but soon try to kill us all. " -daisuke

" i can slit her throat!!! " -luz

" woah woah, where are you learning these things.. *nervous laughter* " -tokyo

" lets give her a chance, but she seems weak by the looks and how clueless she seems.. her aura says nothing, it's pretty pure and confusing for the most part. " -aria (girl with the clipboard and scar on her face)

" lets give her and her lil bud a chance. whats the worst she could do? " Austin finishes. Everyone comes out of the circle. " Alright, we've decided. You'll have to help us to prove yourself. " Daisuke says. " Dai we never discussed th-" "Shhhhhhhhhh Kyo.. I have an idea." Daisuke says. " We'll reveal your power, yes, but you'll have to master it and help with a mission tomorrow. " He requests. " How do you expect me to master this new power in a da-" 

" it's a small mission, chill out. Powers aren't that hard to control, unless they're bad. Really bad." Daisuke answers. " Well, lets get you powered up! " Austin says happily. 

----AT THE LAB----

" Okay, we'll need some DnA of some sort for you to put into this bag. " Austin says. Jin looks at the bag of powder. " Do you want me to snort this? " Daisuke gives Jin a deadly look. " Can't take a joke huh.." She says under her breath. " What was that, girlie? " He says, closer to her face, but with the most ugly, and evil look. Jin physically cringes. " uh yeah so the DnA? I could swab your mouth or..." Jin quickly pulls out a strand of hair from her scalp. " Here. " Austin takes the strand, and puts it in the bag. " Now.. watch the magic happen. Green dust means some kinda nature powers, brown means destruction, blue means knowledge, purple means time, black.. well, that wont happen. Well, lets get to it! " Austin excitedly puts the hair into the bag, then shakes it. After a few seconds, the dust starts to form. It changes a bunch of colors, then starts to settle on brown. " Beautiful! We got destruction. Now.. show us what you can d-" 

" Austin wait, the brown.. it's getting darker.. " Daisuke says worriedly. Rose suddenly walks in. " Hey, did you get the power ye- .. woah.. is that powder black? We havent seen that in like.. years.. too many years.. " 

Austin steps back. " This can't be correct- but the powder never fails- how.."

" so uh.. are you gonna tell me where or what this power is? " Jin asks. Austin sighs. " Kaji, that's where it comes from. It's like- the worst and most destructive power you could get. But.. it's most likely based off of your emotions. So if you can control that, I guess you could make it powerful. " Austin sighs. He yawns. The sun is going down, we might as well go to bed, no? "

" Yeah, we'll see you later. Jin.. you can bunk with Rose. She's in one of the counselor cabins, but watch out, it's all girly and decked out there. Follow me if you don't wanna get eaten alive tonight. " Jin stands up without a second thought. " What is this, demon slayer? " She says in her head.


After a minute, shes still walking with Daisuke to the cabins.

" So uh... am I going to be able to see Henna? "

" I guess, but tomorrow would be a better day. "

Jin starts to wonder. ' What did they even do to her? are they feeding her? and Daisuke doesn't seem like that bad of a person, but he does have every right to be mad..'

" This place is pretty huge.. from the outside it looked tiny. "

" Yeah, thats what everyone says. We were in the middle of it. But anyway, we're here. "

He opens the door for her, and sees Rosetta inside. " Hey, you've got a new roomie. Keep an eye on her. " He quickly closes the door. " I- ugh. Well hello, I'm Rose..tta. You can sleep on the couch, but its super comfy, I promise." 

" well okay.. " Jin takes a seat on the couch. " so tell me about yourself. " Rosetta asks. " Well.."


Daisuke walks in. " Hey Ky-"

" Hello, It's Jade, if you can't tell. " 

" Jade.. "

When Tokyo was a Kitten, his mom and dad tried to protect him, but both suddenly died. It was tragic, but nobody came to help Kyo. Kyo had to rely on God and his kindness, until he was one day wandering and was found by the god of nature. She touched his heart and knew he was such a great person, and decided to send him to heaven to get reincarnated into a human. Jade was assigned to help and protect him from danger, so he is now inside the younger's bod. 

" Why are you out of his body again? He looks pale, you know what happens when you're out for too long. "

" Yes yes, but we I wanted to check on you, of course. Are you doing ok even after that Hewn coming to the camp? "

" I'm fine, Jade. I appreciate you not coming out when she was there, or else she would most likely tell the universe angels like me are real. I mean, if you believe in God, of course you'll know we're real.. but without visual proof. "


A short person with elf ears takes his hands off of a magic ball. " Ah, so we've finally spotted you.. " he sighs. He quickly walks out of the room, into another one, where lies a big chair elevated by tall blocks. It's all so fancy, it's like a king was living there. " M-master Xiao, I've pinpointed their location..!"

Xiao stares at the boy from the corner of his eye.

" Pin pointed who, Dori? "

Dori clears his throat. " The last one on earth, with the power we've been looking for, sir."

" excellent, go tell the pilots to turn this around. You'll achieve great things from here, Dori. "

Xiao cracks a smile, then cackles. " You better watch out, we'll destroy the world. "

word count: 1318 , Thank you for reading! please stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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