Chapter 21: Preventing the Uchiha Coup Part II

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Kiyomi POV

I rested while Shisui and Itachi continued sparring in our usual training place. Itachi admitted defeat and Shisui helped him up.

"You seem distracted today Itachi. Is it because of that?" Shisui questioned.

"Yeah, I couldn't stop it." Itachi replied solemnly.

"How long do we have?" I asked worriedly.

"Not long enough. I was only able to delay the plan a little." Itachi sighed.

"That's still a big accomplishment Tachi. A little delay is better than nothing." I comforted him, but I had a sad expression on my face.

"Niisan!" a small voice cried. We turned around. "What are you guys talking about?" Sasuke ran to us excitedly.

"You are too young to understand Sasuke." Itachi said and poked Sasuke on the forehead.

"You always leave me out niisan. I thought I was part of your group." Sasuke pouted. Then he turned to us, "Shisui, Kiyomi please tell me!" Itachi just stood observing us.

I chuckled and ruffled Sasuke's hair. "Alright Sasuke. Shisui will tell you then." I motioned for Shisui to play along.

Shisui put his arm around Sasuke and said, "We were just talking about who was stronger! Me or Itachi!" he jerked a thumb in Itachi's direction. "It's me right?" Shisui winked at Itachi.

"No niisan is stronger. I mean you and Kiyomi are strong but niisan is stronger!" Sasuke retorted.

"Oh? Why is that Sasuke?" I formed an "o" with my mouth.

"Neh Sasuke I have the Sharingan. Plus I'm older than him so it's natural to assume that I-" Shisui tried to convince Sasuke.

"No niisan is still stronger. Right niisan? Niisan?" Sasuke interrupted and looked at Itachi hopefully.

"Well that's..." Itachi trailed off. "Anyways let's go home. It's almost time for dinner and we wouldn't want to be late right?" Sasuke nodded and grabbed Itachi's hand. He waved at us as they left. They were so cute.

"Good luck on your mission tomorrow Tachi!" I called.

"I wish I had family like that too." I said wistfully, staring at their retreating figures.

"That's the peace I want to protect." Shisui agreed.


The fateful day came sooner than expected. That morning Shisui and I went to the Hokage to report on the Uchiha coup and Shisui proposed to use Kotoamatsukami on his clan. I looked at Shisui with worried eyes but remained silent. Although I knew this was going to happen in the anime, I really hoped I could prevent this. As expected, Danzo opposed the plan, but Lord Hokage interjected and agreed to let Shisui move foward with this plan.


"Shisui, are you really going to do this?" I asked with a worried look. "I-I don't want to lose you. You mean a lot to me." I hugged Shisui and trembled in fear.

Shisui gave me an apologetic look, "I wouldn't leave you if I had a choice, but there is no other way." Shisui said softly as he embraced me.

Then his expression turned serious and he said, " I don't want you to get involved. It is too dangerous. Even the information that you know now will get you killed."

"We are in this together till the end Shisui. Whatever you will do I will support you." I said determinedly.

I took out the earrings hoping these would protect Shisui somehow even if I didn't know how they worked. "But first," I placed the earrings in Shisui's hand, "promise me you will wear these all the time. They are for good luck." I smiled.

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