Chapter 20: The Beginning of the Uchiha Coup Part I

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Kiyomi POV

About a year passed and Itachi became Chunin. The air began to become thick with tension between the village and Uchihas. I would often see police brutality and dissatisfied villagers when I walked around the village. Every time I visited Shisui, I could sense unrest in the clan. As someone who had watched the anime, I knew day by day the Uchiha coup was inching closer. I wished desperately to find a way to reconcile the village and the Uchihas. I was worried for Shisui and Itachi since they both extremely preoccupied with the clan meetings they were forced to attend. Both of them had visible stress lines on their faces. I could only hope this would be over soon.

It was around this time when Itachi and I were unexpectedly called into the Hokage's office. I was surprised to see the elders and Danzo present. Itachi and I kneeled and greeted the Hokage and the others. 

"At ease Kiyomi Yuki and Itachi Uchiha." the Hokage motioned for us to rise. "We would like to nominate you for the Anbu. However, you must complete a mission before you can join." he continued and Danzo handed us the details. I did not miss the slight grin Danzo had on his face as he came toward us.

Personally I knew Anbu would not be the right choice for me, but I decided to stick with it until the Uchiha coup was resolved. I flipped through the pages. My eyes widened. Of all the missions we could have been assigned to, we got this one. We were to assassinate Mukai Kohinata, an Anbu who betrayed by selling secrets to Kirakagure, and we could select one Anbu to join us on the mission.

We obviously choose Shisui to accompany us. As we were getting ready for the mission, Itachi confessed that his father wanted him to be an Anbu to spy for the clan. 

"I can't stand it any longer. Father is being toyed with by the village." Itachi clenched his fists. 

I hugged Itachi reassuringly, "I'm sorry Tachi. I know. I wish I was something I could do too." I held back the tears that threatened to fall and looked at the sky in hopes I could convince Fugaku to stop the coup.

" I held back the tears that threatened to fall and looked at the sky in hopes I could convince Fugaku to stop the coup

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


For days we silently trailed Mukai to the location where he exchanged information with the Kirakagure ninja. I used frost to execute my silent killing technique on the ninjas, which I admit I was not proud of. I sympathized with Itachi. I too wanted peace.

Now it was just Mukai left. He took a swig of sake while holding a cigarette on the other hand. Shisui made a hand motion and we jumped down from our hiding place.

"Surrender quietly Mukai Kohinata. We assure you the Hokage will be lenient." Shisui said from beside us, and he activated his Sharingan.

Mukai smirked, "Shisui of the Body Flicker. What an honor to meet you. I mean you are a well known ninja." He puffed his cigarette.

"And you must be Itachi Uchiha and Kiyomi Yuki. I didn't know you were all so... young." he turned to us and drank from his bottle.

His breath reeked of sake and I was disgusted by his smoking habits. How could he be a ninja?

"No more small talk. We are taking you back to the village alive." Itachi said firmly. We got into a battle stance.

He weaved a hand sign and the veins of a Byakugan user formed around his left eye. "No, you know very well what I have done. The Hokage will not let me live." he spat angrily.

Mukai threw his cigarette away and popped the cap on his bottle and stored it in his backpack

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Mukai threw his cigarette away and popped the cap on his bottle and stored it in his backpack. Then we tensed as we felt a sudden increase in his chakra. "Much better now that I have released my shadow clone. My poor son must be angry right now." he murmured. "One minute I'm talking to him, the next I'm gone."

"You have a family to go back to." I said quietly. "Why are you doing this?"

"Things got hard." he shrugged. "But it does not matter. You won't understand. I can't die right now for the same reason so I won't go easy on you all." and he began to attack us at high speed with his Gentle Fist. Unbeknownst to Mukai, I did understand his feelings. After all, every villain has a backstory.

A New Life Book 1 (Shisui x oc female character)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن