•tape thirty-seven•

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"One minute to drop off, Sam," a guy says, walking through the part of the plane that we're in.

Bucky is sitting on one of the seats across from Sam and I while they stare at each other. Sam stands up, then Bucky does the same. I roll my eyes and lay down on the seats.

Sam stops and picks up his goggles and a few other things. Bucky looks over his shoulder before turning and walking away "What should we expect?" he asks. Sam turns to him and puts in his earpiece, not saying anything. "Great. So no plan."

"Thirty seconds!"

"I should've taken that job at that strip bar," I mumble to myself. Get me away from these two dipshits.

"No!" they both say at the same time, turning to me. I look over at them and raise my brows.

Sam clears his throat. "Enjoy your ride, Buck," he says, turning to Bucky.

"No, you can't call me that," Bucky says.

"Why not? That what Steve called you. Cher still does sometimes."

"Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan. And Cher and I used to be together."

"Right," Sam says, nodding. "That's bullshit."

"Fifteen seconds to drop!"

Sam nods to me. "Take care, Cher." I nod to him as he starts to walk away. "And I do have a plan."

"Really?" Bucky asks, standing up. "What is it?" Sam jumps out of the plane. "Great. Where's the chute?"

"Don't even think about it," I say to him.

"We're at 200 feet. It's too low for a chute," the guy says.

"I don't need it anyway," Bucky says, walking towards the open door.

"You're the dumbest person I've ever met," I say loudly as he stops in front of the door.

"You sure about that?" the guy asks him.

Bucky turns to him. "Yeah," he says with a fake chuckle, then rips the arm of his jacket off before he jumps out of the plane.

The guy turns to me. "Is he gonna make it?"

I nod and stand up. "He's 106. I think he'll survive. He's a dumb bitch, but with my luck he will."

"Are you gonna jump too?" he asks me, raising his brows.

I shrug and walk over to the door. "Why the hell not? Gotta die a little to live, right?"

He furrows his brows, tilting his head to the side. He goes to say something, but I jump out of the plane and start falling.

"I have all of that on camera. You know that, right?" I hear Sam in my ear.

"Get out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it."

I land on the ground in a superhero landing and groan and the pain in my knees. I stand up and crack my neck. "Fuck. My knees," I huff. "Goddam, why does that always hurt so bad."

"I also have all of that on camera," Sam says, and I look up at Redwing. "Good job there, Cher."

"Thanks," I tell him.

"Don't thank me."

"I'm not thanking the mini flier jet."

"His name is Redwing."

"I know what his name is."

"Okay, both of you head north. Come on."

I walk over to where Bucky is lying on the ground, staring up at the sky. I go to say something, but he glares at me. "Don't say a word," he says. "Just help me up."

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