•tape eight•

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"This is it," Cap says as we all get out of the truck that is stopped in front of a fence.

"The file came from these coordinates," Nat says, putting the device in her back pocket.

"So did I," Cap says.

I glance around, then at the building behind the fence. "Looks like it's still in business, yeah?" They both give me a look at my sarcasm.

"Okay, so, how do we get in?" Nat asks as I walk over to a small building that isn't even as tall as the chain link fence.

I grab the door knob, and after the knob falls off, I start to run my shoulder into the door. When it's obvious that it's not working, I elbow the glass, and it shatters all around me. Nat and Cap look over at me and mumble their 'Jesus' and 'Why does she have to do that.'

I flip them off and reach inside, unlocking the door and opening it from the inside before I walk in. I see a control panel, so I hit the button that says 'Open Fence.' It doesn't do anything, so I keep pressing it. When that still doesn't work, I huff and go over to the fire extinguisher on the wall.

"What the hell is she doing?" I hear Cap ask as I grab the extinguisher and chuck it on the button. The fence makes a small screeching noise as it slowly opens.

I walk outside and point to the fence. "Like that."

"I mean, if you want everyone to know that we're here, sure," Nat says, nodding as the two follow after me, and we start our search through the old army camp.

"Well, we're pretty far from civilization," I say, "so I think we'll be fine."

"This camp is where I was trained," Cap says to us as we continue to walk around the camp. I find a railing between him and Nat and climb onto it, walking on it and trying to not fall as they actually look for something.

"Change much?" Nat asks.

"A little."

"How sweet," I say, dropping off the railing.

"This is a dead end," Nat says after a moment. "Zero head signatures, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off." Cap gets a look on his face, so Nat and I share a glance. "What is it?"

He doesn't say anything, he just starts walking towards another building. Nat and I share another glance before we quickly walk after him, asking him what he's doing.

"Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks," he says. "This building is in the wrong place."

He adjusts his grip on his shield before smashing it into an old rusty lock that busts open easily. We get the door open and walk down the stairs before Nat flicks on a light switch. All the old overhead lights flicker on.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.," Nat says as we slowly walk farther into the room.

"Maybe where it started," Cap says, walking over to an old office. He twists the doorknob and slowly opens the door, and the three of us walk in.

"There's Stark's father," Nat says, nodding to the picture hanging on the wall. It's in the middle, right in between another man's picture and a picture of the woman from the museum. The one that I talked to for a couple minutes. Peggy.

"Howard," Cap says.

"Who's the girl?" Nat asks him when she sees the way that he looks at her picture. He doesn't respond. He just turns and walks towards the shelfs on the left side of the room. We walk behind him towards the old and dusty shelves that don't have anything but spiderwebs on them.

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