•tape nineteen•

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"That's just great," I say as Sam, Cap, and I round a corner and see a guard passed out or dead on the ground. We walk into a room and see everyone on the ground.

"Help me. Help."

We look away from the other people as see the man that was talking to Bucky on the ground in front of the thing Bucky was in. This time there's no door.

"Get up," Cap says to him, picking him up by the blazer. He shoves him against a wall. "Who are you? What do you want?"

Sam and I follow after him. When the man doesn't answer, I walk over to him and flick him in the temple. "Hey, he asked you a question, dickface."

He breaths in and turns to me, blinking boredly before he turns back to Cap. "To see an empire fall."

I hear something hit the wall, and look over to see a metal arm being yanked away from it. Sam punches him, earning a punch back before Bucky grabs under his chin and lifts him up. He throws Sam into the thing that he was in.

Cap goes for Bucky, and they start swinging at each other. The guy in front of me goes to move out of the way, but I grab his shoulders and hit my head against him. I kick him in the stomach and send him to the wall, where he grunts.

"Oh, how I wish I had my swords," I mutter, spinning my leg around and kicking him in the nose. He falls onto the ground and coughs.

Why do I want my swords, you might ask? Well, so I could make this guy into a fucking kabob. Why else?

I glance through the doorway and see Cap backed up against the elevator. Bucky lunges his fist forward, making a big dent in the door. Bucky goes to punch Cap again, but Cap catches his fist and tries to push him back. Bucky overpowers him and pushes him through the elevator doors, letting him fall down.

I rip out the cords of a computer and pick it up, walking over to Bucky. I swing the computer at his head, but he grabs it with his metal hand before it hits him.

"Oh, that might've been a bad idea," I say, going to duck. Bucky tosses the computer to the side and punches me in the stomach. I try to not cough and stumble backwards. I get steady on my feet and swing my leg around to kick him in the face.

He catches my foot with his hand. "Oh no," I say as he yanks my leg forward, making me fall on my back. As soon as my back hits the ground, his hand is around my neck. I furrow my brows. "This position is nice."

He picks me up by the neck and puts his arm out in the open elevator, ready to drop me with Cap.

"Kinky," I choke out. He furrows his brows at me. "Take me out to dinner first."

He furrows his brows more, then huffs and moves me away from the elevator, shoving me against a wall. The wall behind me gets a hole in it from how hard he shoved me. He squeezes my neck harder, then lets go and walks away. My vision goes blurry, then black.

My eyes open again, and I see Sam shaking me, telling me to wake up.

"How long was I out?" I ask him, getting up. I clear my throat at my raspy voice.

"Not long. We need to go," Sam says, grabbing my hand. We both start running through the building.

"Where did the walking dick go?" I ask him as we run outside along with half of the other people in the building.

"I don't know," he says. We stop as he grabs something off the ground and looks around. "Dammit."

"I'm gonna go find Bucky," I tell him, turning to run back into the building.

"Cher," Sam says, grabbing my wrist, "don't. He's too dangerous."

"Let me do this."

He sighs and lets go of me. "Fine, go!"

I turn and start running through the building. I go through the turns, not even knowing where I'm going until I run into Cap. "Jesus," I curse, stepping away from him. "Oh, thank God you're okay. Where is he?"

"I saw him run that way," he says, pointing in the direction of a set of stairs.

"Then that way we go," I say, and we both start running up the stairs and out the door. In front of us is a helicopter pad and a helicopter. Bucky is inside of the helicopter, flicking switches. "I thought he didn't do this kind of thing anymore," I tell Cap, breathing hard.

"He doesn't," Cap says, running forward as Bucky lifts the helicopter up. He jumps up and grabs the bottom leg of the helicopter.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out," I huff as he tries to get the helicopter back on the pad and out of the air.

Cap gets him close to the pad before Bucky swings the helicopter around. I suck in a breath as Cap jumps away from the helicopter and it crashes into the cement. The blades get destroyed, and the copter spins around.

It finally stops moving, and Cap looks through the window. I go to yell at him, but stop when I see the metal arm crash through the window and start choking him.

I run over to the copter and get the door open before I hop in and punch Bucky in the back of the head. He uses his free hand to grab my wrists.

How the hell do you do that without looking?

I hit my forehead against the back of his head and grunt. Damn, that hurt.

Not even two seconds later, the copter is falling off the pad and towards the water. It hits the water, and I fall into Bucky, who already hit his head on the glass and passed out.

Cap swims around and gets the door open again, pulling me out. He goes back in the copter and pulls Bucky out. Then the two of us swim to the surface with Bucky in Cap's arms.

I cough from the water that went up my nose and try to stay afloat. Cap sighs. "This way," he huffs, swimming away, making sure I swim after him.

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