•tape ten•

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"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell says from my left side in the car.

I changed into my suit before we got in the car, which made Sitwell that much more uncomfortable. I'm putting guns and knifes in their places, making sure that my swords are comfortable on my back.

Nat sits on my right, Cap in front of her and Sam in the driver seat.

Sam looks in the rearview mirror at Sitwell. "Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" he says.

Nat puts her chin on Cap's seat. "Insight's launching in 16 hours," she says. "We're cutting it a little bit close here."

"I know," Cap says. "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly."

"What? Are you crazy?" Sitwell asks. "That is a terrible, terrible idea."

I huff and get out a knife, pointing it at him. "If you say one more word that I don't want to hear, this blade will my going into your mouth from under your chin."

There's a thud from on top of the car, and then the window next to Sitwell is broken. Someone pulls him out of the car and throws him off the bridge.

"Damn," I say, nodding. "Well, don't gotta deal with him anymore. That's a plus, right?"

"Red, move," Nat says, hopping into Cap's lap. I duck onto the floor of the car on what was Sitwell's side as someone shoots a gun directly in between where Nat and I were just sitting. The person keeps shooting.

Sam grabs the gear shift and puts the car in park, and we skid to a stop. I sit up and put my hands on the two front seats, looking out the windshield as the Winter Soldier flies off the car. He tumbles, then lands on his knees, his metal fingers screeching against the road.

"Okay, that was badass," I say, earning a look from the others. "What? It was cool."

It was also kind of hot. Just saying.

He gets his hand away from the ground and slowly stands up, looking at us.

Nat grabs her pistol and points for him. Before she can pull the trigger, the car is being pushed forward. Sam tries to swerve around the soldier, but he jumps and flips onto the car, breaking the back windshield. I have to duck in order to try and get away from the glass shards.

Sam presses on the brakes, and they squeal. I put my mask over my face so I don't get anymore glass in my skin.

"Jesus fuck!" I say as the soldier punches through the windshield and takes the steering wheel off the car with ease. "How the fuck do you do that?"

"Shit!" Sam yells, and Nat starts shooting at the roof of the car to try and hit the soldier.

We run into another car, then the car behind us rear ends us again. We run into the side of the bridge, and Cap grabs his shield. "Hold on!" he shouts, grabbing my wrist to pull me into the front with them.

The car flies in the air, and the passenger door flies off, taking us with it.

Sam and I both slide off the door while Cap and Nat stay on it. Sam tumbles. I tumble, but get up on my feet and come to a stop.

The soldier gets off the hood of the other car. A man gets out of the backseat and hands him a big gun.

He aims and shoots at Cap, who pushes Nat out of the way and blocks himself with his shield. It hits his shield, and he goes flying backwards. I hear a crash and screaming.

I grab out my pistols and hide behind a car as Sam and Nat do the same thing. "Fuck," I mumble from next to Sam.

"What?" he asks me.

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