Chapter 35- EPILOGUE

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5 months later


Life was almost back to normal. The court procedures were over, Mom and everyone involved was behind bars and Carl, Calarie and I lived life to the best in the means we had.

All 3 of us shifted to a small house near college. The one person I felt bad for was Carl, not because he couldn't stand, he was doing things both Calarie and I couldn't do while he was sitting down, he'd started working part-time, he was still toping the grade in school and doing everything he could do. I felt sad for him, or more precisely his ear drums because Calarie and I would just blabber for hours together with Carl being the listener. He wouldn't utter a word, just nod once in a while and smile while he was looking down on his phone.

Living with both Carl has taught me so much more than I can ever fathom. Carl has never complained of not being able to walk, he just smiled and moved around on his own now, pushing the chair by himself. He's taught me to always look at the bright side of life. He always told me, "I could have died but I didn't. I could have walked but I can. There's no point complaining about what has happened or what might happen. I want to live in the moment, be happy and make others happy. There's no point whining over something, you have to buckle up and be prepared to live life to the fullest irrespective of what life throws at you. I am prepared, for I know you'll never leave my side" I had these words actually printed out and framed so I could read it every day before going to bed. His words have inspired me.

Apart from this, there's another paper that I have framed and kept in my drawer. Carl was slightly annoyed when he'd seen it. "Jamie! I'd written the same one for you on another sheet of paper, why did you frame this. My handwriting looks like a worm crawling over the sheet. You wont be able to understand a thing!"

"Don't describe my handwriting" I'd said.

The paper was Carl's essay that he'd written for the semester 1 English exams. The teacher was so touched by it that she insisted me on reading it. After I did, I couldn't help myself from framing it and treasuring it forever.

"Days are numbered, life is short but living happily is a choice.

Life can be real hard sometimes, and you want to end it, not realizing that people who love you are going to suffer from that one silly decision made in haste. Numbering your days is a choice, living the moment is a choice too. Instead of whining and mentally preparing ourselves for the future, we must learn to live life by the moment. We deserve to be happy.

I didn't think I deserved to be happy, I always thought that happiness was for people with a family, with people who had friends. A few years ago this was my definition of happiness but meeting this one guy changed everything for me. He became both my friend and family as a brother. He is Jamie. The insane goofball, who plays around, who talks, is happy seeing others happy. He brings so much sunshine into everyone's life, filling them with hope and energy. I often envied him, I wanted to know how he kept himself so happy. Was that even humanly possible? He'd talk to me for hours, and I'd just listen, trying to understand his ideals, values, and everything about him.

He's taught me how to live life, he's the one who's taught me that I can choose to be happy, not numbering days, and awaiting death. He is the one who's taught me how to live, I was a rotting soul a few years ago and he's brought me up from there.

Days are numbered and life is short, that is exactly why you shouldn't dream for a long life but a happy one. Live in the moment and be carefree of what has happened and what's to come."

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