Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I almost reached the toppled towers, I decided not to take my car any further and walk to the house so I can slip in without being noticed. I hop out, get a cap, lock the car and start walking towards the house. As I neared the house, I saw a few people standing at the gate, as I was walking in, someone started calling out.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Sir, I'm a worker from the resort, here to help out in the burial," I said, trying not to stammer. I came up with a lie in no time and the man seemed convinced. I walked to the garden, it was being dug. I went inside, straight to the living room, where I saw Carl laying in a stretcher and Calarie sitting beside him. I went closer, Calarie stood up to see me.

"Jamie? Is that you? Why're you wearing that cap?" she asked.

"I am wearing the cap so I don't get recognized by your men!" I said angrily.

"My men?"

"Yes, your beloved father's men, you guys are up to something. Tell me right now Calareanne!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Pretend all you want, I'll find out everything myself. Can you please move, I want to talk to Carl." I said, authoritatively and she obliged.

"Carl, Carl, please get up. I'm here for you, you know I trust you, and I believe that you're not dead, please get up, do something, tell me you're alive. Please, Carl, please!" I said as I held his palm in mine.

"Carl, you need to avenge your family, you have unfinished work here, don't leave! Get up!! Please get up Carl!" I said and started sobbing, tears pouring out uncontrollably.

"Jamie!" I wished it were Carl who said that, but it was Calareanne. She was holding her hand on her mouth, crying too.

"Jamie, I saw Carl's hand move, I think he's alive. Look," she said, this statement filled so much hope in me that I couldn't, I just couldn't contain my happiness. I stared at Carl's hands, hoping for him to move.

"Carl, show us, do something to show us that you're alive." I said, hoping to see movement, hopeful to see Carl call me again.

Carl moved his fingers, minutely. He shook his fingers, he really did. He could hear us! He was alive after all. I didn't want to fritter away time anymore. I had to find Romie now, and leave.

Take Carl to a hospital and get him alive and kickin' again. I ran up, not realizing that I left Carl downstairs alone with Calareanne, the same Calareanne whose father wanted to put me behind bars. I continued to Carl's room, found no one. After all, I couldn't see her, I started calling her name and yelled out as I was climbing the stairs to the top floor. "Romie! Romie! Hey Romie! I need to talk to you, can you please come to where I am". I still couldn't see but I heard her voice.

"Jamie, this.... Is... Romie..., I know......that.. you can't.. see.... me.... but don't... worry, I'll.. be... go." She said, in a deep and slow voice. I was reassured that she'll be there so I went back down and told Calareanne that I'll be taking Carl with me to a hospital. She obliged and said that she'll help me take him out.

"I have a feeling that your dad is not going to let me go."

"Why wouldn't he, if I tell him that Carl's alive, he'll help you take him to the hospital."

"I don't think so."

"My dad and his best friend are standing just outside, I'll get them to help."

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