Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


(THIS IS CARL'S POV, just saying for those of you who overlooked ;)

I'm so overwhelmed by everything that's happening to me. I felt like a statue, I couldn't move any part of my body, not even open my eyes or my mouth. I could hear and feel everything but they wouldn't know, I'd try hard to speak, working all the muscles in the throat but nothing worked.

Jamie tried to speak to me so much in the morning and I was desperate to respond, desperate to tell him that I'd be there for him too, that I wasn't pranking him, that I want to hear him speak for hours again. I felt helpless and miserable.

My heart sank when the nurse said that I was dead. I could hear everything, Jamie arguing with the nurse, crying, speaking to me, everything. I thought I didn't have anyone else for me. I thought I was alone in this world, but that's when Jamie came and stood by my side.

I was so dazed at the fact that I too had a family, a beautiful family. Selfless parents, my non-identical twin and my lovely Pom Pom. We ourselves couldn't reckon that we were twins. She looked nothing like me, but we entered this world together, as brother and sister. And that meant the world to me. The minimal time I've spent with my sisters has given me much more happiness than I can imagine. I just pray that I can hug them again all, not crying but smiling the next time. 

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