Start from the beginning

"So you're not leaving?" Asked Mendaline.

"Not until I get over my dream." He said.

"You dreamt about Alice, didn't you?" She asked.

Charlie looked at her with surprise. "How did you know?"

Mendaline shrugged. "Well, right now Alice is the only reason that keeps us all on our toes."

If Charlie was offended by this, he did not show it. After a while, he said, "Alice is the only person in the world whom I love after my brother. I would risk anything to save her!"

Mendaline knew that she was supposed to say that she understood how he was feeling. However, the truth was that she did not. At least not anymore. She had loved only one person in her entire life and she did not forget how that had turned out. 

Images of him started to appear in her mind. Memories she had long buried somewhere deep inside her heart, were threatening to come back. Mendaline shook her head violently, trying to shake those memories away.

"Are you okay?" Asked Charlie, sounding concerned.

"I am fine!" Mendaline snapped. She turned to look at him. "Look, please just try and go back to sleep," She paused. "If you want I could help you sleep with my powers....,"

"No, thank you." Said Charlie, not unkindly. "I am feeling a little sleepy now so...., I guess, I should get going." He smiled. "Good night, Mendaline!"

"Thank you, Charlie." She replied, feeling genuinely grateful. Charlie nodded and floated next to his brother.

Mendaline watched him with a little astonishment, as he lay down and closed his eyes. How could someone be so kind and understanding? He had not even been the least bit angry at how rudely she had treated him. Mendaline felt a little guilty, yet she could never let anyone close to her. Not anymore. She couldn't bear to go through all that pain again.

'Good! at least he will not bother me tomorrow.'  Mendaline thought in triumph.

It had just been around a half hour since Charlie had gone to sleep, when suddenly Knave awoke with a start. Mendaline tore her gaze from the fire and looked at him in concern.

"Alice!" He called out, panting. " I need to get to her!" He said, almost to himself.

"Don't you humans ever sleep?" Shouted Mendaline, annoyed. "All I ask is to have one night in peace, with only my thoughts!"

Knave ignored her. "I need to get to Alice." He said again.

"Is everything okay, Knave?" Asked Mike, now wide awake.

Knave looked at him. "I just have an intuition." He replied.

"In the middle of the night, in your sleep?" Asked Mendaline.

Knave looked at her angrily and Mendaline prepared herself for whatever lava he was about to pour out at her. Thankfully, Charlie cut in, "I had a dream about Alice too," He quickly said. "She looked like she needed our help."

Knave looked at him. "Then we shall go!" He replied.

"I think it's just worry that's making you both dream about her." Said Mendaline, who knew she was pushing it, but she had to stop them from running to Alice like maniacs, in the middle of the night.

Knave and Charlie turned to look at her, and this time even Charlie seemed to look a little angry. "I read about that once in a science book," Mendaline added, with a baby smile. "People often dream about things that are on their minds." Knave closed his eyes as if praying for patience.

"I think you should go!" Said Maria and Mike at the same time. They both shared an awkward look.

Mendaline sometimes forgot that Maria lived with them too. After all, she barely spoke. Then again, how could she after what she had done?

Mike was the first to look away from Maria. "I think we should all go!" He suggested. "Even I have a feeling that something is not right."

Knave nodded. He looked at Mendaline. "I suppose you're not coming?" He presumed.

Mendaline snickered. "On second thoughts, I will! Since I am the only intelligent and logical person around here," She paused. "Also, I am not sleepy." She added, with a huge smile.

"Great, let's go!" Said Knave.

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