3 | Purple Hair Boy

Start from the beginning

"How did you know my quirk was Brainwashing?"

". . ."

"What's your quirk? Mind reading?" He pressed.

"Uh. . . I'm not supposed to say. . ." I furrowed my brows and frowned.

"What? Why?"

"Just 'cause."

"What kind of answer is that?" He retorted with a laugh.

"A good one!" I squeaked.

After my tiny outburst, we both looked away sheepishly and soaked in the silence.

At the time, I thought I messed up. But in reality, I was actually playing the vision out correctly. It was like flying a plane on autopilot or subconsciously flowing with the current like a fish. One way or another the vision would play out exactly how I saw it. Unless I actively changed things.

"If you tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone," he suddenly broke the silence.

When he said that, I met his gaze again. He had a small, warm smile on his face and his purple eyes shone pure honesty. And since I already knew him through my visions, I instantly trusted him.



I pondered for a moment then glanced around to make sure nobody was nearby to overhear us. Thankfully, all the kids were on the other side of the playground. . . but I noticed my mom watching us from her place by the benches next to the other parents.

When my eyes met with hers, she smiled and did a little wave. I mimicked her and pretended like I wasn't up to something.

"Is that your mom?" He asked.

"Yeah. . ."

And then another woman sat down next to her. She had long pretty lavender hair and purple eyes, so I easily put two and two together.

"Is that your mom?" I asked with a smile.

"Yup," he answered.

We watched as they introduced themselves and started a conversation. Then my mom pointed at me and giggled. Shinso's mom did the same by pointing at him and they looked like they were obviously talking about us.

"Well, they are clearly chatting about us," I turned around to acknowledge Shinso again, and he nodded in agreement. "I don't think they can hear us so I'll tell you," I shrugged like it was no big deal.

Since he was kneeling in the sand, I did the same and started nonchalantly playing with the bucket to make a sandcastle. And with a bright smile, I turned to him and whispered:

"My quirk is Future Vision."

"Woah! Isn't that rare?!" He whisper-yelled.


"Oh, sorry," he bit his bottom lip and bashfully looked down.

"Yeah, it is rare. . . And I'm not supposed to tell anyone, so keep your voice down," I mumbled.

"Okay. . . But wait. . . Is that how you knew my quirk? You found out from seeing the future?"


"That's so cool. What else did you see?"

At this question, I paused and started fidgeting with my outfit. I didn't know if I should tell him we were best friends in my vision since we only just met. And I figured if I told him, it wouldn't come true, or worse, he'd think I was weird.

"Um. . . Some other stuff. . ." I trailed.

"Like what?" He pressed.

I bashfully looked away and battled with my decision to tell him again. . . Until he spoke up.

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