,,Hey! Don't use me for your competitive games." I say, while grabbing a ball.

,,It's not your turn yet!" Zoey says, grabbing the ball away from me. Noah put in our names in order of throwing. First Zoey, then Juliet, Kara, himself, me and last Emma. We wait until the other team did that too and I wonder when it's Beca's turn. Zoey and Nina are standing next to each other, trying to intimidate each other but they're failing. During everyone's game I look at Beca all the time and smile. I can't be competitive towards her, I know I'm not as good as she is and I won't try to win because I know she will be grumpy if she loses. I want to make her feel better tonight if Emma defeats her.

After a few times, trying to get at least one strike, it's my turn again. I grab my favorite ball, while watching Beca eyeing me up and down. I smirk as I slowly pick up the ball, making my body get up in a very sexy way and I see Beca bite her lip.

,,Beca's distracted! Crush her, Beale!" Emma shouts, what causes Beca to react.

,,Watch it, Em! I'm last for a reason, you're going down!" Now both Noah and Emma smirk.

,,Oh, you're going down Bec. Tonight in Chloe's bedroom!" My eyes widen and I look over towards my brother.

,,Noah!" I yell embarrassed a little. I guess the remark gets to me more than to Beca.

,,Oh, I bet we're going down together tonight." Beca gives me a wink and then turns towards the guy who handles the music. ,,Play a nice song, dude." She says to the guy and then make her way over to me. I'm just about the throw the ball when I hear an all familiar song play from the boxes. Arms sneak around my waist and a breath against my ear. Goosebumps are rolling over my body and just when I'm about to release the ball, I hear Beca's voice whisper in my ear. ,,I requested for your song, so you can get yourself ready for tonight." She releases her grip on me and without me even knowing I release the ball who immediately rolls down the gutter.

,,Hey, that's not funny, Becs." I say with a pout. ,,You messed up my shot!"

,,All is fear tonight, Chlo. I'm going to win and you can celebrate with me tonight." She gives me a wink and I shake my head smiling, while sitting down.

,,You might have distracted your girlfriend, but I'm not easily distracted little sister!" Emma grabs a ball, giving Beca a daring look.

,,Game on!" Beca grabs her ball and they throw at the same time. I really hope Beca gets a strike or a good score. Emma is in my team, but I will always part with Beca. Both balls roll towards the ten pins with speed. Emma's ball is a little bit more to the right than Beca's ball, which causes her ball to only hit nine pins. Beca's ball hits the first pin, who brings down the rest of the pins, resulting in a strike. Beca throws up her hands.

,,Oh yeah!" She yells and then she does a victory dance with Wyatt and Liam. I smile while my cheeks are burning red. First when Beca throw the ball, she looked so sexy and professional and second, I love to see her this happy.

,,Okay, your team won, happy?" Emma cross her arms.

,,Aw, someone can't handle losing. Let's cheer her up, Bec." Liam and Wyatt grin as the pull Beca towards Emma. Once they're at her, they start to tickle her until she begs them to stop. I laugh with the rest as we watch. Beca releases Emma and walks over to me.

,,You were good too, Chlo." She says.

,,I bet you say that to give me a good feeling." Beca pretends to be offended.

,,No!" I give her a look. ,,Okay, you were not really good, but I can change that."

,,How?" She comes closer to my face, close enough to kiss me.

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