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I'm pushing my cart through the aisles of the grocery store. Thanks to Emma I can buy Ryan's favorite cereal; Cheerios. Their perfect clutch-able shape is still the best pick-up practice for tiny hands. I'm going to buy some Siggi's kids yogurt pouches too, there should be four in one box. Ryan loves those pouches and I'm happy about the fact that there isn't much sugar in them.

I don't have a shift tonight, so Ryan and I decided to watch all our favorite Disney movies. Yeah, we've seen them a million times, but seeing Ryan so happy to spend time with me and watching those movies... well, I can't say no. Kara is with Ryan now, waiting for me to come home. She's staying too tonight, so I needed to make sure I have enough sweets, food and essentials. Luckily the store isn't too far away from where I live and I love to bike there. I pick up a few things I know Ryan and Kara will love, like M&M's, Pringles, some diet coke and popcorn, but I also buy things that I am short on, like milk and eggs. Just grocery that I need every day.

I look around the grocery shop. People seem frantic and are grabbing everything they can get their hands on. Luckily I already grabbed the products I need, because by the looks on it, there won't be much left. As I head down to grab a bottle of Columbia Crest Merlot, another hand touches mine and the neck of the bottle. I look up and see a tall man with half long brown hair, a full grown beard that isn't bad looking and brown eyes. He must be about 5 feet 10 ( 178 cm ). He smiles at me while I stand up again.

,,Also a fan of Columbia Crest Merlot, huh?" He asks me, while releasing the bottle so I can hold it by myself.

,,Yeah, I have my sister-in-law at my place and we're out of drinks."

,,Ah yeah, you can't have someone over without some booze, huh?"

,,Hey!" I yell a little frustrated. ,,You can have enough fun without some booze!" He holds up his hands in surrender.

,,I didn't mean it that way." He sighs and then holds out his hand. ,,Let's start over. Hi, I'm Donovan. Nice to meet you."

,,Uhm, yeah nice to meet you Donovan. I'm Chloe."

,,Chloe." He repeats after me. ,,Pretty name for a beautiful girl." I can't help to blush a little. I haven't heard someone say those words to me in a long time. I look into his brown eyes.

,,Thanks for the compliment. So, tell me, why did you need this bottle?" I hold up the bottle of wine. ,,Are you having some friends over as well?"

,,Nah not really, I just really love wine. Mostly I watch some TV shows, while drinking."

,,Really?" I ask, putting the bottle in my cart. ,,What kind of shows are you into?" He walks with me to the next aisle.

,,Well, I kinda do like the TV shows House and Friends, but my alternate favorite is The Good Doctor." I smile, thinking about Friends. Beca and I used to watch an episode every Friday night. ,,You do like those too?" He asks me while grabbing a bag of Lays chips.

,,Well, I used to watch Friends with my girlfriend."

,,What happened?" I give him a strange look, while he put the bag of chips in his basket. ,,You said 'used to', what happened?"

,,Oh, my girlfriend isn't around anymore."

,,I'm sorry to hear that." He put his hand on my shoulder. ,,But a girl like you should have a new girl or boyfriend in no time." I raise my eyebrows.

,,What's that supposed to mean?"

,,Everyone must be blind if they can't see how beautiful you are. I bet guys and girls are fighting over you." I start laughing. ,,Don't tell me you're still single!" I look down a little. ,,You are?" I just nod. Donovan is actually nice. ,,Wow, people are really blind." He grabs my hand now, but I'm quick to pull my hand back. ,,I didn't mean to overstep and don't get mad at me, but I have to ask."

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