Tsugumi wasn't able to find any other arguments to go against him and stays silent.

"Now relax and let me bring you to the shoe shop..."

The walks was peaceful.

Tsugumi relaxed as the light bouncing from Y/n looking for a shoe store eased her as well. The sun beamed softly and the wind blew against her, her short blue hair swaying slowly.

She watched Y/n, all she could see was his h/c hair and his c/c suit from behind as he carried her body through the city where many eyes were on them.

"Aww... Such a nice boyfriend..."

"Why does he have to show off his girlfriend like that?"

With many comments aiming at the two, Y/n was the only one to ignore them. Tsugumi wanted to speak to them but was too scared to do so as they continued to walk for a few more minutes.

Then their destination was here.

A well known shoe shop that sells every kind of shoes from basketball shoes to dress shoes to flip flops.

Y/n enters in, being greeted by the cashier who knew him for grunt a regular customer as he walked towards a specific section of the store and to a bench.


He sets her down on the bench and observed the shoe size tag on the heel that gave Tsugumi a blister. He nods softly before walking to a wall of sneakers and starts searching through it.

It took awhile as Tsugumi watched from the bench until Y/n snaps his fingers and takes a box from the shelf. He brings it over to the girl as if she was a princess and puts it down next to her feet.

"Here you go..."

Tsugumi takes a small look at it and tilts her head.

"What are these?"



"They're sneakers that doesn't hurt your feet and can go with any clothes you wear... Especially with dresses like this one..." he pinches the brim of her skirt and rubs it together with his two fingers. The girl sees the shoes once more as the color nearly matched her hair as well as the dress.

She picks it up and gets a better view before Y/n gets up "Try them on... I'll be over at the next aisle looking for a pair of Michaels..." he said and walked on over to the aisle with a bunch of sneakers that were meant for both basketball and going out. He grabs a pair that were white and c/c and sits down on a bench nearby.

He loosens the shoe up and takes his own pair from his feet and slides it into the new ones. They snuggled into his feet perfectly, starting to tie them up to get a better feel at it.

"...Y/n?" The boy heard Tsugumi from the other side.




"...Thank you... for taking care of me for the day..."

Y/n just smiles. "...It's not a problem... I'm doing Young Mistress a favor so at least she can trust me a little more..."

He then finishes tying his other shoe and calls for the navy haired girl once more. "You done yet?"


Pat... Pat... Pat... Pat... Pat...

Footsteps, they pattered from the other side of the aisle to his'. Y/n finds the girl at the end of the aisle, the first thing he sees is the blue shoes that fit the girl's feet perfect.

"It suits you perfectly..." he smiles and glanced up at the girl's scarlet red eyes. "How does your feet feel?"

"They're getting comfy..." she looks down at her feet and tests them out by walking around and posing with her new shoes on.

It brought a smile on Y/n's face, watching as Tsugumi was satisfied with the new pair on her feet. "Alright... I'm almost done so wait for me and I'll pay for the shoes..."

That took her attention.

"Eh? Why?"

"You've been spending a lot just for the clothes and the lip gloss... Let me pay something for you for once for today..."

Tsugumi stated, a little hesitant but she nods.

"O-Okay..." she says as she walked back to her bench to grab the empty box and then felt her heart thumped.

She looks down at her chest, worried about why her chest was acting this way as she was ready to dive into Cloud Nine once more about this sudden condition she was having.


The boy snaps her once more as he had her bags and his box of shoes, wearing his old pair. "You ready?" He asked as the girl nods once more.



The two would head to the register where Y/n paid for both pairs and head out with Y/n still carrying the girl's bags while Tsugumi had a small smile on her face, observing her shoes a little more on her feet.

She liked them very much, she glanced over to Y/n who walked next to her. "...Thank you..." she says. "...for the shoes, that is..."

"It's no problem..." he smiles as he checks his wrist to find a small watch.

"It's already three forty-five..."

He turns over to Tsugumi once more with a soft grin.

"You wanna grab something to drink before we head back to the two lovebirds?" He offers to the girl.

Tsugumi just stared, his smile brightening her day a little more as she couldn't help but smile back and answered his question with a little enthusiasm in the mix.

"...Yeah... That would be nice..."

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now