Corny McLadder

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"Are you kidding me? She confessed her feelings for you?! And you didn't say anything?!"

"Well at that point I had already said I wanted to kiss her. What more should I have said?"

"Merlin, men are thick. Hm, I don't know, maybe 'Wow y/n, i've been in love with you for years! We should get married and have lots of-'"

"I get it, thank you. But that's not answering my question. What do I get her for Christmas?"

As you laid on the floor of Ginny's room, you barely dared to breathe. Ron and Ginny thought you were asleep, and you had been, until a few minutes ago. But if you moved in any way, they could figure out you were awake, and you knew you would be unable to play it off as "I just woke up".

"Get her something meaningful, obviously! If you really care about her, get her something that proves it!"

"We're poor, Ginny, how do you expect me to get her something as beautiful as her?"

Your heart fluttered at his words, but you knew how serious he was about his financial status. You were one of the last of the Black family, so you had claim over the family fortune. You had always had the newest robes, the newest books, and the most expensive gifts at Christmas. And Ron had gotten a hand-knit sweater every Christmas for the past 17 years. You knew how self-conscious he was about it, and had always tried to share your wealth with him by giving him gifts, but he usually got embarrassed.

"The cost of something doesn't determine how much it's worth. It's the meaning behind it that makes it valuable."

The room was silent for a few minutes as Ron processed this. Before he could respond, however, Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen, "Wake up, children! We're leaving for Diagon Alley in an hour!"

You decided it was safe to slowly open your eyes. Beside you, Hermione was sitting up. "Ronald, what are you doing in here?" She asked groggily. You rolled over and sat up as well.

Ron quickly glanced at you, before answering Hermione, "I was asking my sister a question, am I not allowed to do that?" Hermione rolled her eyes, "If it's about your Potions homework again, I've already told you, adding unicorn hair to beautification potion does not make you a veela."

You and Ginny locked eyes and struggled to hold in your laughter. Ron huffed and left the room. After you and Ginny calmed down, you all quickly got dressed for the day. You were creating a mental list of gifts to buy your friends. Something quidditch themed for Ginny and Harry, a book for Hermione, maybe something from Gambol and Japes for the twins. You thought about your family, and then your other friends from school. You would have to send them their gifts by post.

Mrs. Weasley had made a delicious breakfast once again, but you were sad you couldn't enjoy it to its fullest extent. Mrs. Weasley was practically forcing the food down your throats so you could all leave for the full day ahead.

"Charlie said he'll make it home for Christmas this year!" Said the twins. They seemed genuinely excited to see their brother. Unlike the excitement they get when they see Percy. That excitement was fueled by wanting to annoy him as much as possible.

"He sent a letter saying he's bringing Kaida!" George said. At this Mrs. Weasley looked both scared and upset. "Well he better keep that dragon out of my house! Last time she was here she lit my curtains on fire!"

Your ears perked up at the word dragon. Your friends all knew you loved magical creatures, so Ron was quick to explain, "Kaida is one of Charlie's dragons on the Romanian reserve. She's only about a year old, we met her over the summer!"

You smiled. You had only seen two baby dragons before: Norbert, Hagrid's dragon that now lives on the Romanian reserve, and Longg, the Chinese Fireball that lives deep in the Forbidden Forest, whom you and Hagrid had taken care of since third year.

You finally cleared your plate and placed it in the sink. Mrs. Weasley was putting on a shawl as it was much colder in London then it was here. You had forgotten to bring a jacket and decided to suffer through without it. You were glad Lily wasn't there to tell you off.

"Some for you, and you...Fred leave your brother alone! Here you go y/n," Mrs. Weasley poured some Floo powder into your cupped hands. Everyone was lined up in front of the fireplace preparing to take the Floo Network to Diagon Alley. Ginny went first, followed by Hermione, then George, then Fred. Next up, you took your place in the hearth after the green flames carrying Fred had disappeared.

"Diagon Alley!" You enunciated. You had always been nervous when travelling by Floo to Diagon Alley. Harry had mispronounced it one time and ended up in Borgin and Burkes, and you didn't want to make the same mistake.

After a brief feeling of flying, you found your balance on the ground right behind Fred, who was still shaking soot off of himself. Ron appeared behind you, followed by Harry, then Mrs. Weasley.

"Alright children, I'll take your keys and get you some change from the bank, meet me back at the Leaky Cauldron in an hour!" She said to the group. Everyone nodded and she waved as she disappeared into the crowd of frantic shoppers. "Why don't we go to Fortescue's while we wait?" Harry suggested.

"Ice cream in the winter, are you mental Harry?" Hermione shuddered from inside her oversized jacket.

"Come on, love, you don't have to get anything," Fred said, putting his arm around her, forcing towards the ice cream parlor. She huffed, but secretly you knew the pink in her cheeks wasn't from the cold.

You walked through the crowd, talking with Ginny about whatever came to mind. You were so caught up in your conversation, you didn't notice Cormac McLaggen until he was practically in your face.

"Hello baby," He smirked, looking at you up and down in a way that made you feel uncomfortable. You rolled your eyes at him, trying to seem confident. "Go away, McLaggen," You said, willing yourself not to look at him.

"Why don't you come with me, I'll show you a much better time than the Weasley's can," He said, still following you. You decided that you wouldn't answer him. Maybe if you didn't acknowledge him, he'd leave you alone.

"Come on, show me a smile, huh?" This time he tried to grab your shoulder to spin you around. But before you could do anything, Ron had turned around and slugged him in the gut, causing him to crumple on the ground.

"She told you to fuck off, McLaggen." Ron said, wringing the hand that had delivered the blow. You stared at Ron in astonishment. You were just about to keep walking when Cormac slowly started getting back up.

"A Weasley? Really? You, a beautiful, rich, pureblood...chose him? When you could have me?" He laughed dryly. Neither of you denied the accusation, although you both blushed at the words. You wondered what Ron was thinking. After all, you knew you had feelings for each other, but you still were waiting for a moment where you could talk in peace. A moment you had envisioned so many times...

You and Ron weren't dating. At least, not yet. But if pretending that you were got Cormac off your back, why not go with it? You decided it was time to stick up for yourself.

"I would choose to be with anyone over you. You could never be half the man Ron is." And with that, you gave him one last kick to the balls, turned on your heels, and continued on towards the ice cream parlor, embarrassed and angry.

"Yeah! Take that, Corny McLadder!" You heard Ginny cheer, mocking McLaggen further. The anger melted a little bit, and you let a little smile play on your lips.

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