Settling In

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"Ronald, don't tell me you forgot it at school!" Hermione had arrived almost 30 seconds ago, and was already yelling at Ron.

"I got you that planner to help you over break, and now you can't even use it!" She cried, exasperated. You and Ginny shared a look, trying to contain a giggle.

Ron must have heard you, because he turned to look at you, smiling a little. He rubbed the back of his neck, still looking at you, "I don't know 'Mione, it must have fallen out of my trunk," He gave you a little wink that she couldn't see.

Hermione rolled her eyes, but quickly moved on to hug you and Ginny. You would all be sharing a room and were very excited. Ginny slept with the rest of the fourth year girls, so a sleepover would be a fun event for all of you.

Suddenly, the twins appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Hermione quickly pulled away from you, and maybe you imagined it, but you thought you saw Hermione turn a little pink.

"Afternoon, Hermione," Fred said with a charming grin. "We were wondering if you ladies-" "-and gentlemen" "wanted to help us-"

But before George could finish his sentence, Ginny had pulled you up the stairs and out of earshot, yelling, "It stinks down here!" as you ran away from the boys.

Once Ginny had closed the door to her room, she let out a hearty laugh. "What was that about?" Hermione asked, dragging her trunk to the corner of the room.

"Ugh, they've been doing so much testing for Weasley Wizard Wheezes products. I just knew they were going to try and rope us into testing things out for them. I have eaten way too many Puking Pastilles for one lifetime," Ginny explained.

You made a sour face. When the twins had been selling they're Skiving Snackboxes at school, you had made sure to steer clear of the Puking Pastilles, normally going with Nosebleed Nougats or Fainting Fancies.

"Those Snackboxes," Hermione grumbled. She was a prefect, and had done everything she possibly could to stop the twins from selling them at school. She had been unsuccessful.

"Anyway," Ginny said, drawing out the word as she changed the subject, "Do you think Harry will ask me out soon?" Then she gasped, "Do you think Ron will ask Y/n out soon?"

You felt your face turn pink. "I hope so," Hermione said, "I can't wait for them to stop ogling at each other during class,"

Ginny giggled as you threw a pillow at her. "I do not ogle at Ron!" You protested, trying not to laugh. You couldn't help but enjoy moments like this, pure moments where you could just have fun with your friends and not worry about school or O.W.L.'s.

It had only seemed like a few minutes before Molly's voice rang through the house, calling everyone for dinner. Luckily, Ginny's room was close to the bottom floor, and you were starving.

You were the first one to sit and began piling food onto your plate. You hadn't even noticed that Ron had chosen to sit next to you. When you did notice, you almost choked on your garlic bread.

"Gud Evming," You said, your mouth still full. You immediately regretted it, but Ron only laughed. "You look hungrier than me after a quidditch match!" He said, smiling as you finally swallowed the food.

"Don't be ridiculous, Ron, you're always hungry!" Molly said, finally taking her seat at the table. Arthur, who had gotten home from work a few minutes ago, scoffed. "Can you blame him, dear? He grew up eating your food. The Hogwarts meals must taste like grease compared to this!"

It was true that Molly's cooking was better than the food at Hogwarts, but the school food was still legendary, so it just went to show how incredible Molly really was in the kitchen.

Everyone devoured their food eagerly, but it wasn't until Molly and Arthur had excused themselves that someone finally started conversation.

"So, Harry, y/n, Hermione," Fred started,

"You three wouldn't be interested in helping us test some new products, would you?" George set down his glass and continued, "Yeah, we wanted to ask you earlier, but someone prevented us from doing so."

Ginny rolled her eyes, "I'm fairly certain they don't want to taste test Puking Pastilles." Fred and George gasped sarcastically as though they would never even think to test those on guests.

"There won't be any taste testing tomorrow, oh no!" George said pointedly. "On the contrary, we have many little gadgets we want to test! Like Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder-" "-and Daydream Charms!"

You gave the twins an inquisitive look, as did everyone else at the table. Fred smiled at the interest, "One simple incantation and you will enter a top-quality, highly realistic, thirty-minute daydream, easy to fit into the average school lesson and virtually undetectable (side effects include vacant expression and minor drooling)"

(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; Draco's Detour, Page 117)

"That sounds really cool!" Harry said. Ginny sighed, "Fine I suppose we'll help you test." The twins shared large grins before getting up from the table and running to their room.

"Well, I'm all done. Harry, you want to head up to my room?" Ron asked, standing up from the table. His arm grazed yours, and you immediately felt your face burn.

Harry was standing up now, too, "Yeah, sure. Night, y/n! Night, 'Mione... Ginny." He awkwardly smiled at her before Ron pulled him away, rolling his eyes.

You suppressed your laugh as you wished your godbrother good night. Ginny's face had turned a deep red, and she was smiling uncontrollably.

"I will never understand you two. You consider that flirting?" Hermione wondered, placing her own plate in the sink.

"Oh, shove off 'Mione, what experience do you have?" Ginny said, getting up to do the same. Hermione tried to hide a small smile and a blush, but she didn't do so well enough.

You and Ginny shared a gasp. "Hermione Granger! What have you not been telling us?" You asked, running up behind her. She shook her head.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it!" By the sound of her voice, you and Ginny both stopped questioning her. You both figured that if it was really important, she'd tell you on her own time. You didn't want to rush her.

So, the three of you decided it was time to make like everyone else, and head upstairs. You and Hermione got comfortable in sleeping bags, and you spent hours talking and gossiping with your best friends.

Eventually, you all fell asleep. You were so excited to wake up the next morning, to start a new day, a new adventure at the Burrow.

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