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If Ron had heard you saying his name, he hadn't acted like it. He seemed normal, laughing with Harry over some mishap with the gadgets, or rolling his eyes at Hermione when she told him off for throwing Fanged Frisbees at the twins.

He even seemed normal when he helped you up after a firework explosion knocked you off your feet. You both laughed as you watched the fireworks that hadn't messed up.

"Well, I think that's about everything!" George said, packing up the final box of Weasley Wizard Wheezes products. "Why don't we head in for lunch?" Fred asked the group. You all nodded.

"Finally! I've been hungry all morning!" Ron shouted, almost sprinting back to the Burrow. You all laughed as you trailed behind.

"So, y/n, what did you daydream about?" Ginny asked. You felt yourself flush. But then again, Ginny sounded genuine, like she hadn't the faintest idea what the dream had been about. Maybe Ron did hear either! you thought.

The twins snickered behind you. "Ron, oh Ronnykins! Oh Won Won!" They said. Although they were making fun of you, you couldn't help but laugh at the inclusion of "Won Won", a nickname given to Ron by his ex-girlfriend.

Hermione gasped, "You had a daydream about Ron?" She whisper shouted. You nodded your head, a little embarrassed, but you knew none of them would judge you. Besides the twins. But they already did that every day.

"What happened?" Ginny asked, practically shaking with excitement. Or cold...yeah, maybe it was cold.

Before you could talk, the twins started making kissing noises and you rolled your eyes. Ginny and Hermiones, on the other hand, widened.

Before they could start asking questions, Harry butt in. "So, you had a daydream about kissing my best friend. Gross."

You could tell Hermione and Ginny wanted to ask more questions, but you had made it back to the Burrow door now, and you all knew Ron was inside.

"Took you long enough!" Ron said when Ginny shoved open the door. He had already downed half his plate.

"We're not all driven by food, Ronald," Hermione said, sitting down, and filling her own plate.

Lunch went on like that, chatting and a little bit of bickering. You had nearly forgotten the mortifying event that had happened earlier this morning.

Soon people started to clear out. The twins went to their room to work out the kinks you all had found in their products. Hermione went to Ginny's room to work on her Arithmancy homework. Harry went to go take a shower, and Ginny decided she would go "help Hermione" which to her was secret code for leaving you alone with Ron.

When she had finally left, Ron broke the silence. "We should talk about this morning." Your stomach instantly dropped. You couldn't imagine what he would say next, but you knew it would be heartbreaking.

Ron sighed before he continued, "I shouldn't have done that. I know you don't have feelings for me like that. And I know it was wrong to try and kiss you without making sure it was okay. I just had a weird boost of confidence and I'm sorry. We don't have to speak of this again."

As Ron finished his rambling, you sat there dumbstruck. "Y/n? You okay?" He asked when you failed to form words back.

"You...want...kiss...feelings..." You stuttered. Ron looked a little crestfallen. "Yeah I know, it's dumb-"

"IreallylikeyoutooandIwantedtokissyoubutIthoughtyoudidntlikemeeither" You interrupted, suddenly regaining powers of speech.

Ron's expression went from surprised to happy. He blushed a little as he began to comprehend the words that had quite literally spilled from your mouth.

Before he could begin to say anything, though, Molly bustled into the kitchen and started cleaning up leftover dishes. "Would you two be dears and help me clean up?" She asked.

You couldn't refuse Mrs. Weasley, and although Ron didn't look overly enthusiastic, he still got up to help.

You had a very fun time cleaning dishes. You laughed as Ron blew soap bubbles at you. You laughed even harder when Molly stumbled across a baby book among her cookbooks.

You had known the Weasleys for what felt like your whole life, but you still got a kick out of seeing baby Ron rolling around the photo album.

Obviously, a wizard photo album had moving pictures, which didn't make Ron any less embarrassed as you watched him get his diaper changed.

There was a photo of two year old twins making loud noises in Ron's face so that he would cry, and an all too relatable photo of Arthur looking done with life.

You laughed at a picture of teenage Charlie Weasley wrestling with Fred as Percy stood behind them looking very disapproving.

"What's so funny?" Arthur asked, walking in the front door. For a second you thought you had spent hours sitting at the table looking through the pictures, but in fact, Mr. Weasley was home much earlier than usual.

Molly, with an equally confused look on her face, got up to take his coat. Seeing her expression, he quickly explained the situation. "The Department of Magic Creatures let a few hundred Doxies loose in the Ministry, so they sent us home on an early holiday!"

Your face contorted in disgust. A few years after your grandmother, Walburga, died, you had to help your dad get rid of a Doxy infestation in her old house, 12 Grimmauld Place.

Arthur came over to where you were seated and saw the pictures on the page you were open to. He chuckled at an image of Bill fighting with Percy over Merlin knows what.

"Why don't you two head upstairs with the others, you've both been very helpful today," Molly said, pulling out pots and pans to start dinner.

You looked at Ron, smiling. You placed the picture book back where Molly had pulled it from, and raced with Ron up the stairs.

When you had reached the door to Ginny's room, the two of you paused. "You don't even take Arithmancy, Harry!" Hermione's muffled voices called, followed by a giggle from Ginny.

Ron gave you a look. "I don't know about you, but I would rather not have to deal with an upset Hermione right now. Or ever," He said, motioning for you to follow him up the stairs.

You gulped at the thought of being alone with Ron in his room, but you couldn't resist. You trailed behind him, all the way up the countless flights of stairs, entered his room, and watched as the door shut behind him. 

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