A Weasley Welcome

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Coming back to your senses, you were immediately hit with a wave of all the wonderful smells that came with the Burrow, most prominently, the cinnamon smell. You were in the Weasley's kitchen, taking in everything you had missed for two years.

The last time you had been to the Weasley house had been for the Quidditch World cup. You remembered Arthur making everyone wake up before the sun rose to get to the port key in time. It was a very exhausting day, but you had lots of fun watching the game with your friends.

"Y/n, my dear, how are you?" Molly's voice pulled you back to the present as she bustled over to you. "I'm just wonderful Mrs. Weasley, thank you!" You answered, smiling at her downright jolly expression.

"We weren't expecting you until later! Ginny and Ron will be so excited, I'll have to start lunch soon-" She was cut off by another burst of bright green flames announcing Harry's arrival. "Harry!" she exclaimed.

As Molly greeted Harry, you turned your attention to the odd noise coming from above you. You quickly realized it was footsteps running down the stairs.

"Y/n?" Ginny's hopeful face appeared on the steps right before she pelted you in a hug. "You imp, I thought you weren't coming until later!" She said, still in your embrace. You noticed Molly's angry expression at her choice of words and laughed.

"I thought so too!" You said turning around to see Ron welcoming Harry. Your breath hitched unexpectedly. You rarely ever saw him in anything other than his school robes anymore. He looked so relaxed in the jumper his mum had knit for him. You quickly tried to hide your blush.

"Hi Harry," Ginny said, almost awkwardly beside you. Harry's eyes shot to her. Growing up with him, you recognized the feeling behind them. He was nervous. "Um, hey Ginny," He managed.

You and Ron shared a look, trying to contain your laughter. It was always like this with them, the awkwardness. You and Ron would joke about it when they weren't around.

"Y/n, your trunk is in Ginny's room, Harry, yours is in Ron's. You all can go have some fun while I make lunch," Molly said, practically shoving you all up the stairs.

Once Ginny shut the door, she turned to you. "He looked at you!" She shouted, bouncing around the room. You gave her a confused smile, "Yeah, because normal people look at each other Gin," You said.

"Harry and I are normal!" She whined, plopping down on her bed. You scoffed, "Gin, he told you that you have nice skin once. That's anything but normal."

She tossed a pillow at you, hitting you square in the face. Neither of you had expected that, so you both burst out in laughter. You threw the pillow back at her, which ultimately led to a huge pillow fight.

As you fought, you heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" Ginny yelled. You couldn't help but snort when Ron opened the door and studied the mess of pillows and blankets strewn across the floor.

"I was coming to see if you two wanted to hang out with Harry and I," Ron said, finally remembering what he had come to talk about. Ginny immediately started fixing her hair, "Harry said he wanted to hang out with me?" she asked, scrambling to find a bottle of perfume in her drawer.

Laughing at her crush on your godbrother, you picked up one of the pillows on the ground and messed up her newly made hair. She let out a playful gasp and hit you back with the largest pillow she owned.

You stumbled backward at the force, until you felt a pair of hands grab hold of your waist, steadying you. Butterflies exploded in your stomach as you looked up at Ron. He gave you a charming grin before letting you go, making you wonder how a person could be so attractive.

You looked back at Ginny, her eyes giving you a thumbs up. She finally broke the silence, "Well come on then! Poor Harry is all alone!" She laughed heading for the door, "Maybe you can finally make your move on Ron," She added so only you could hear.

You made your way up the countless flights of stairs to Ron's room where Harry was waiting. Maybe that's why you hadn't been in Ron's room before, because you were too lazy to walk up the stairs. You would have to get used to them, you realized.

When the door to Ron's room opened, the first things you noticed were the posters for the Chudley Cannons. They covered almost every inch of his walls, and what couldn't be covered in posters had some other form of merchandise on it. He had Chudley Cannon bedsheets, curtains, and even a Chudley Cannon collectible lunchbox.

You noticed he seemed a little embarrassed by the decor, but you happily took it all in, along with the cozy firewood smell.

"Finally! Bloody hell, what took so long?" Harry asked from the floor where his sleeping bag had been rolled out. Ginny had plopped down near him on his trunk.

"Nothing Harry, why are you so nosy?" You said. You knew that would annoy Harry, he hated being left out, and you had to get back at him for the boyfriend comment yesterday.

He grumbled as Ron started to talk. "I'm glad Snape didn't assign any homework during the break. He's been so awful lately," He said.

Ginny scoffed, "Awful doesn't begin to describe it! He took points from Gryffindor because Colin Creevey was 'too happy'! Who takes points away for being happy?!"

You continued to talk about school and your teachers when you heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" Ron shouted.

The door burst open, the twins faces behind it. George made a trumpet noise while mimicking playing one. "Her royal highness, Princess Know-It-All is almost here," Fred said in a mock fancy voice.

"Oh, and Mum says lunch is ready!" George called, as the red headed balls of chaos ran back downstairs. Noticing how hungry you were, you immediately started heading downstairs.

You were gasping for breath when you finally made it to the kitchen again. You heard snickers from behind you.

"You need to get in shape, y/n!" Ron said, hiding his laugh with a sympathetic smile. "That's what I told her!" Harry responded, not bothering to hide it at all.

"It's not my fault you guys are in shape and I'm not!" You complained. Harry gave you a 'yes it is' look. "You're right. I mean, I've been going up and down these stairs my whole life, and look at me," Ron said, flexing his bicep muscle. The sight instantly gave you butterflies.

"Going up stairs doesn't build upper body strength, Ron," Ginny said, rolling her eyes from the table. You noticed the twins share a look and a muffled laugh. Ron's cheeks had gone a little pink.

Had that been an excuse for him to flex for me? You wondered.

You tried to ignore the thought as you sat down for lunch, but the idea kept nagging you. No, there was no way he liked you. He had just broken up with his girlfriend, Lavender Brown, there was no way he could like someone else already.

You devoured Molly's wonderful food, and joined in the conversation your friends were having. You thought you noticed Ron looking at you a few times, but you elected to ignore it.

Maybe Ron did like you, but you didn't want to risk ruining your friendship, so you tucked that thought away, deciding to come back to it another time.

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