A Nice Game of Quidditch

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You didn't know what you had expected. You sat there awkwardly on his floor, playing with a loose string on your shirt.

Ron had sat down on his bed looking as awkward as you felt. He looked as though he could not figure out how to start his sentence.

"So...you're into redheads?" He smirked. You threw Harry's pillow at him, laughing. "Ron! I confess my feelings for you and this is how you respond! Why am I not surprised?"

He was laughing as well. He grabbed the pillow you had thrown at him and slid off the bed, sitting directly in front of you.

"Hey, I was trying to start a conversation, I don't need the physical abuse!" He put the pillow back on Harry's sleeping bag.

You smiled, "You're right though, we should talk about it. It's just hard to figure out what I want to say." He nodded at your words, and you sat there looking at each other, blush's creeping onto both your faces.

"GUYS!" You heard the voice before the door had even opened, "Harry has the greatest idea!" Ginny said, running to sit next to you. She paused for a moment as she realized she had interrupted something, but continued on anyway, apparently too excited to stop herself.

"We play a game of Quidditch! Three to a team!" She explained. Ron looked confused, "But there are seven of us." Ginny gave him a look as though he was the most ignorant person in the world, "Hermione won't play, she hates brooms! She said she would watch!"

You and Ron shared a look, now your interest has peaked. You were never the best Quidditch player, you actually were really bad at it, but you played anyway because it's more fun when it's just your friends.

"Well, come on then!" Ginny shouted, pulling you up from your place on the ground. As she led you out of Ron's room, you looked back to see Ron giving you an expression that was easily deciphered. He wanted to continue the conversation the two of you had barely even started. You could hardly blame him. You wanted to have the conversation too. You had been in love with Ron Weasley for years, and you hoped by his lightheartedness, you finally had a chance with him.

However, sad as you were that you had been dragged from Ron's room so quickly, you couldn't help but focus your attention onto the massive row the twins were having outside.

"I'm the more attractive twin, I should get the Cleansweep!" Fred shouted. George scoffed, "We look the same, you massive twat!" Growling, Fred replied, "Not for long, you great git!" And suddenly the twins were having a wrestling match on the grass in front of you.

"George is right, though," Harry whispered to everyone else who was spectating, "They look the exact same! No one could find one twin more attractive than the other." You all chuckled at the comment, but not before you noticed the look on Hermione's face. It was the look she always got when she wanted to argue, but knew she couldn't. This happened most frequently in Potions class, when Snape bullied the Gryffindors.

As everyone else stepped over the twins to get to the broom shed, you let Hermione see the look on your own face, silently letting her know you had caught her expression.

"Here y/n!" Harry said tossing you a broom, "My old one, the Nimbus 2000 that McGonagall gave me. I'll be riding my Firebolt your dad gave me so you can use that one."

Although Harry was a twat sometimes, he could be a good god brother when he wanted to be.

"Alright, Ginny, y/n, and Fred to one team, and me, Ron, and Harry to the other," George said, his right eye starting to swell. "I wonder why the twins split up," Ginny remarked sarcastically in your ear.

"Players ready? Bludgers released in three...two...one..."

Two, medium sized balls shot up from the crate on the ground. You had seen Harry take loads of hits from the little devils, and hoped that Fred, who was playing as your Beater, would keep them far away from you.

Soon the Quaffle was released as well, and the game was under way. Ginny, who was a brilliant Chaser, had already scored three goals within the first 10 minutes of the game (Much to Harry's dismay, as he was playing Keeper).

Ginny moved so swiftly on her broom that Ron barely got a chance to breakaway and score for his team. However, he used her one weakness to his advantage. While Ginny was distracted staring at Harry, Ron managed to steal the Quaffle and make for your goal post. Ginny was quick to recover, but Ron had already made serious distance. Fear creeping up on you as he got closer and closer, you heard Ginny's voice from across the field.

"Distract him, Black!"

Thinking quickly, you moved your broom directly in front of where Ron was headed, and when he got close enough, you winked seductively at him.

It worked a little too well.

Although Ron himself had become distracted, his broom had not, and it continued straight into the goal post, where was sprawled cartoonishly in the air for a second before falling 20 feet onto the grass below

Everyone quickly flew down to the ground where Ron now laid moaning. Hermione had rushed over from the oak tree she had been sitting under as well.

His nose looked severely broken, and he had several scratches up and down his arms and legs. "I'll go grab mum, she can get that magic ointment she always uses for our cuts," Ginny said, now scrambling inside the house.

"Here, let me help," You said as the twins and Harry got Ron to a sitting position, "Luna taught me this one. Episkey!" With a nauseating crack, Ron's nose realigned itself to how it had been before.

"Ow," He groaned. "Hey, at least it's no longer broken," You joked. He rolled his eyes playfully, "It wouldn't have been broken in the first place if you hadn't t-"

He was cut off by Mrs. Weasley hurrying to the group in which you were huddled. You watched as she fussed over him, healing his wounds, and questioning him on how he had gotten them in the first place.

"I was, uh...distracted," He answered, giving you an annoyed but playful look. "Oh, well, those cuts should be healed up soon. And dinner should be ready in a few minutes as well, come eat!" Mrs. Weasley said, herding everyone back towards the house.

You all laughed together as you recounted other events that had happened during the game. Harry was visibly upset by the loss. You hadn't realized, but the game had taken quite a few hours. It was already almost sunset, and you were suddenly quite hungry.

Gathering around the table, you all gasped as Mrs. Weasley once again filled the table with wonderfully delicious food. The conversation continued as you devoured what was on your plate.

"All right children, as you know Christmas is slowly creeping up on us. We are going to take a trip tomorrow to Diagon alley so you can all buy presents for one another. Harry, y/n, I assume your parents gave you your Gringotts keys?"

Your god brother and you both nodded as Mrs. Weasley addressed you. You recalled Lily reminding you to bring your keys before you left for the Burrow.

"Wonderful! Get some sleep tonight, we'll be heading off early tomorrow morning." And with that Mrs. Weasley placed her finished plate into the sink and headed to her room.

The table quickly burst into chatter about what you would be buying for each other tomorrow. You knew you would have to get a gift for your dads, and James and Lily, as well as everyone else at the table, and your mind started racing with possible gifts.

Returning from your deep thought, you looked up to see Ron looking at you from across the table. You both shared a blush. You were about to ask him for a moment so you two could finally have the conversation you had meant to have earlier, but Ginny was already dragging you and Hermione back upstairs again.

The next few hours were full of more girl talk and chatter, but your mind was too full to really join in. On one hand you had to figure out what you would buy all your friends for Christmas, and on the other, you still needed to talk to Ron about what you had said to him earlier.

Soon the conversation died down, and you fell asleep with these thoughts swimming in your head

Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with me. I've had a very full schedule these past few months as I was cast as Cinderella in my school play! But not to worry, I am back and will be posting more here soon! Happy reading!

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