Daydream Charms

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Hey yall, forgot I had two chapters, so here you go!

"Rise and shine, miscreants!" "Today you work for us!"

You felt yourself being shaken awake by a blurry red head. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes to see the face of George Weasley over you.

"Let's go! We don't have all day!" You noticed Fred shaking Hermione awake. They must have woken Ginny first, because she was already sitting up in bed.

"Clothes, teeth, breakfast, then meet us on the Quidditch field! No time for talking!" George barked before the twins left the room.

Hermione scoffed, "They sound like Dolores Umbridge on a good day." You smiled through your yawn, remembering the previous Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.

"Thank Merlin your centaur friends carried her into their camp. She deserved what she got," Ginny said, putting on her clothes.

When Umbridge had found out about Longg, the Chinese Fireball dragon you looked after in the Forbidden Forest, she had immediately wanted him exterminated. So, to protect him, you led her to a centaur camp.

The centaurs like you. When you rarely visited them, it was in your animagus form since they despised humans. They also respected the aid you gave to creatures in the forest.

Umbridge had taken one look at the herd before she started to call them half-breeds and other dirty terms. Of course, they had not liked that.

You kept replaying the memory in your head as you walked to the bathroom. You started humming as you brushed your teeth, only to be startled by Ron in the doorway.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," Ron said, stepping into the small room and placing a hand on your shoulder. You brushed it off, "No, no I wasn't scared! I could have stunned you if I was really scared!"

Ron giggled, "Yeah, sure, stun me. What will you say to the Ministry when you get charged for using underage magic?" You rolled your eyes and punched him in the arm. You secretly loved the way he teased you, though.

"Well, anyway," He said, "I came to get something from that cabinet, so if you don't mind," He squeezed behind you, placing his hands on your hips to get past, sending butterflies exploding in your stomach.

He got the item he had been looking for, but hesitated as he began to go back. You turned to face him, confused as to why he had stopped, only to see that he was staring at you. Or rather, your lips.

As he leaned in slowly, butterflies still ignited, you closed your eyes. You felt his breath getting closer. He stopped again, right before your lips met. When you thought he would finally close the gap, you were startled again by a trumpet sound.

"Oi, lovebirds, we've got work to do!" Fred shouted as he ran from the doorframe, aforementioned trumpet in hand.

Ron pulled away quickly, his face turning bright red. "I, uh..." And with those....words (?) he left the bathroom, and ran downstairs.

Mortified, you turned to face yourself in the mirror. Why had you thought he would actually kiss you? Why had you gotten your hopes up?

You felt tears welling in your eyes, but you held them back. You had to go face your friends, and you didn't want them knowing that you were upset.

You quickly gathered yourself and went downstairs. You sat next to Ginny, on the opposite end of the table as Ron.

You didn't join the conversation that morning, you only listened. As you munched on the crispy bacon Molly had made, you risked a glance at Ron, who had also not been talking.

He was looking down at his plate, an odd expression on his face. He seemed angry or upset. The twins were whispering things to him, so you wondered if they were making fun of the interaction the two of you had.

The thought made you feel instantly embarrassed all over again. You quickly look back over to Ginny, who was ranting about Quidditch.


As you finished your breakfast and walked out to the Weasley's makeshift Quidditch field, you couldn't get the memory of what had happened in the bathroom out of your head.

You listened to the twins and watched their demonstrations absentmindedly. That was until they called you out.

"Y/n? Merlin's beard, you would think we had already given her the daydream charm," George said. The comment snapped you back to reality, and the twins shared a smirk.

"Speaking of, here you go, y/n, recite this incantation," Fred said, handing you a slip of paper. You gave them a curious look before repeating the tiny words out loud.

Suddenly, all of your surroundings had changed. It was like you were falling through the ground. Finally, you landed, right back in the Weasley's bathroom.

You looked around for a second, wondering how you had gotten there, until Ron appeared in the doorway.

As the events replayed themselves, you realized what was about to happen. You weren't ready to be basically rejected a second time.

As he grabbed the item from the shelf, and went to leave, he hesitated again. You braced yourself as he leaned in, ready for him to break away.

But to your surprise, Ron did the exact opposite. He sealed the gap between you, his warm lips dancing across yours.

You both stayed there for quite some time, running your hands through each other's hair and kissing so passionately, you couldn't believe it wasn't real.

But all too soon, the daydream began to fade, and you woke up back on the Quidditch field, demonstrations going on all around you.

"Ah, look who's back to reality!" George said, walking away from Harry, who was coughing up a concerning amount of darkness powder.

"Let me guess," Fred said, appearing by your side, "You daydreamed about kissing dear old Ronniekins?"

You felt your face burn, "What makes you think that?" You crossed your arms as you stood up. The twins shared a glance.

"You kept saying 'Ron, oh Ron!' every so often," George said, choking back a laugh. Fred nodded, "But the good news is, now we can work out that little bug!"

Good news? How could they call you moaning out Ron's name "good news"? You just hoped Ron hadn't heard.

Zirconia- A Ron Weasley StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora