Home for the Holidays

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"y/n! Harry!" The bright and happy voices of your parents filled you with excitement. You had just arrived home for winter holiday and had missed them incredibly. You were also very excited because the Weasleys invited everyone over for the holidays, and you couldn't wait to see your closest friends. Well, mainly one of them in particular...

Sirius was practically bouncing in the hallway, James not too far behind him, both of them just as excited as you were. Sirius pulled you into his embrace while James did the same with Harry, then switching so they could hug the other.

"Boys, they're barely inside the house, give them a second to settle in," Lily's melodic voice rang from the kitchen. James and Sirius instinctively stepped aside. "Besides, I want to hug them too!" And suddenly you were in an embrace again, laughter erupting from all of you.

Your godparents, James and Lily, and your parents, Sirius and Remus, were veterans of the Wizarding War. They had been a part of the Order of the Phoenix, and were seen as heroes to wizard kind. It was James who delivered the final strike on Voldemort, the dark wizard who had plagued both muggles and wizards for many years.

As Harry began to catch up with his parents, Sirius turned to you. "Now, Dad went out to pick up some Wolfsbane Potion from Diagon Alley, and decided he would buy some Christmas presents too. He should be back soon, but until then, tell me everything that's happened since I last saw you!"

You immediately went into detail about your past few months. You told your father how you had finally perfected a spell, and Professor Flitwick awarded you 10 house points for your hard work.

You also told him how you had transformed into your animagus form, a black dog like Sirius's, and scared a group of Slytherin girls who had called Hermione, one of your best friends, a Mudblood.

Sirius laughed as you described the girls fleeing in terror, until bright green flames lit up the fireplace. From the flames, Remus Lupin appeared, carrying much more than a potion and a few presents.

Lily quickly ran to help him, as he had almost fallen over from the weight. "Remus! Bloody hell, what is all of this?" James asked, inspecting a wooden crate.

"Well, I noticed a man selling some Salamanders, and I thought they would make a great topic for a class. I was only going to buy two or three, but just look at them!"

You lifted the lid of the box and found about 20 adorable creatures. There were many different species, some of the Salamanders a bright red, others a deep purple. You squealed with excitement, you had always loved magical creatures.

Remus taught Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He was very good at his job, all his students loved him. You watched as he carried the box of Salamanders into the backyard. The teachers at Hogwarts were allowed to use Floo Powder to travel, so he always made it home before you and Harry. And even though you had seen him a few hours prior, he hugged you and Harry, just as the others had done.

"Now, Molly said you two can head over tomorrow night," Lily said. You and Harry looked at each other hopefully. Lily must have seen, because she smiled a little, "Just make sure you pack enough to last until Christmas!"

You and Harry we're already racing up the stairs as Lily called out, "Don't forget your keys for Gringotts!" Your parents laughed at the attempt to get you and your godbrother to listen.

You stopped at the top of the stairs, huffing from exertion. "Seriously y/n? You go up thousands of stairs everyday. You really need to get in shape," Harry said from his doorway.

"Oh yeah? What do you expect me to do, play Quidditch? I'd rather die than wake up at the times Angelina used to make you get up." You wheezed.

Harry gave you an impish look before saying, "Your boyfriend woke up at that time." Then he shut the door before you could get another word in. Grumbling, you went to your own room.

You enjoyed the feeling of being back in your room after months of being away. The walls were a carolina blue color, but you could barely see any wall, because almost every inch was covered in posters. There were band posters of the Weird Sisters, Quidditch posters supporting the Chudley Cannons, and pictures of you and your friends. But the majority of the walls were covered in posters and diagrams of magical creatures.

You sat down on your bed and looked out your window. Harry always made comments like that to get under your skin. The twins did it too. They knew you had had a crush on him since fourth year, but you had been too scared to ask him to the Yule Ball. He took Padme Patil instead. You had spent most of the night crying in the bathroom, much to your date's dismay.

You shook your head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. Instead, you placed a CD in your music player, and listened as the newest Weird Sisters album came on. You danced around your room while you picked out clothes to pack in your truck. You considered bringing some books, but you knew there was always something happening at the Weasley's house, you wouldn't have any time to read.

You heard James call for dinner, so you quickly finished up, and headed downstairs.

~~~~~~~~~~~~the next morning

"Morning, love," A voice said, incredibly close to your face. You opened your eyes thinking you were seeing double, but in fact, it was the twins, Fred and George.

"Bloody hell, what are you two doing in my room?" You said, wiping the sleep from your eyes. The twins shared a look, grinning.

"We came to pick you up of course!" Fred said. "Wanted to keep everyone on their toes!" George continued. You looked at your clock. It was 8:30.

"Did you two Apparate here? Do James and Lily know you broke in?" You asked, fully out of bed. The twins were in your closet now, throwing out random shirts and pants.

"We came by Floo, Lily was in the kitchen making breakfast." Fred said, turning around holding one of your shirts. "Told us to come wake you up, she did," George said, turning around with a pair of your jeans. They handed you the clothes and started to leave. "Make yourself look nice," George winked, causing you to roll your eyes. "You know you'll regret it if you don't!" Fred called, already halfway down the stairs.

You knew they were right. If you showed up looking like garbage, what would Ron think? I mean, he's seen you look awful before, but what if he sees you like that, and it ruins your chance at being with him? You weren't usually self conscious, but thanks to the twins, now you were freaking out. You styled your outfit the best you could, fixed your hair, and went downstairs.

Fred whistled at you when he saw you, and you playfully shoved him. "He'll like that," George said. The twins chuckled at themselves. You noticed Lily giving you a questioning look, and were suddenly grateful your dads weren't awake yet.

You shoved some food into your mouth, enjoying the breakfast in front of you. It had been a while since you had tasted Lily's cooking, but it had been even longer since you tasted Molly's cooking, and that thought filled you with excitement. She was notorious for being an amazing cook.

The twins had run to grab Harry and your trunks. You heard some POPs from upstairs and realized they must Apparated the trunks to the Burrow. It was an effective method of traveling.

Soon Harry and the other boys in the house had risen from their beds. You said your goodbyes, your dads each giving you a kiss on the forehead, and hugging Lily and James before stepping into the fireplace. You heard another POP as you scooped up some green powder. The twins had Apparated so they could be back first. Focusing on where you wanted to go, you threw down the green powder and shouted "The Burrow!" and were immediately engulfed in emerald flame.

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