Rimuru was forced to yet again avoid a strike, this time from the white haired master. Instead of ducking or dashing in a direction, he simply leaned back under the strike, transitioning into a backwards roll.

The roll ended when he launched both of his feet out, kicking the large hammer wielding one in the stomach, sending him into some rocks nearby, knocking him out as well.

"Alright, time to end this." thought Rimuru.

Using {Sticky Steel Thread}, he immediately tied the purple haired ogre to a tree. He then blocked a blue fireball coming from the pink haired one using {Body Armor}. Using {Universal Perception}, he noticed once again the white haired master attempting to sneak up on him, only to send a cloud of {Paralysis Breath} in that direction. However, it was avoided, and the three remaining ogres grouped together.

"As expected of Hakurou. I actually put some effort into that attack." thought Rimuru. "But... why are they so aggressive this time? I mean they did not even give me a chance to talk."

Eyeing the now frustrated ogres, he asked them a single question.

"If I may ask, why did you guys attack me and my subordinates?"

Rimuru already knew the answer, but he wanted to understand what made them act so differently.

"Wouldn't you already know that, you evil majin!" yelled the red haired one, moving forward as if enraged. He was stopped by the white haired one, with a hand placed on his shoulder.

"Enough. You cannot be reckless. The majin before us has used {Sticky Steel Thread} belonging to the Black Spider, {Body Armour} belonging to the Armorsaurus, and {Paralysis Breath} belonging to the Giant Centipede. We don't know how many more skills he has hidden in his arsenal."

"He also effortlessly saw through me each time I hid my presence. It is not a feat that many in this forest can do."

Rimuru interrupted the conversation again.

"I actually don't know what you guys are talking about. Can you please exp-"

He was answered with an orange and red fireball to the face.

"Shut up you evil majin! OGRE FLAME!"

"Why is Benimaru so angry?! Did something happen?"

Standing still in the epicenter of the flame tornado, Rimuru pondered on the current situation. He could take the same course of action as last time, but he did not know if there were any unknown circumstances that could cause things to go awry.

"Ciel, what do you think?"

["Master. It is fine to proceed as planned."]

"Very well."

Calmly walking out of the tornado of fire, he took off the mask, and allowed a miniscule portion of his true aura to reveal itself. That alone caused the remaining three ogres, as well as the subordinates behind him, to shake in fear and awe. His aura even dissipated both the red flames of the red haired ogre, as well as the blue flames of the pink haired one.

Ciel, meanwhile, had already started to run interference, preventing any others from sensing even the slight amount of aura.

Quickly forming a small tornado of black flames in his hand, Rimuru then raised it above his head, before willing the flame to swell in size. The flame followed his orders, growing exponentially, its heat causing the moisture in the air to vaporize. The flame even blocked the sunlight from reaching the fight, darkening the sky above.

Rimuru: A Second Chance that Won't Be Wastedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें