"What-Who am I?" (🏳️‍⚧️)

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Gender dysphoria(?)

after Dream left Fundy for George, Fundy wasn't the same his mental health dropped and he accidentally runs into 2 friends who make his day a little brighter

I haven't watched dsmp in ages sorry if they're character relationships have changed since the last time I've watched their videos

(Also I'm sorry if any of the phrases I used during this were used incorrectly)

He fell to the floor of the church as he watched his husband run away with someone he called one of his good friends, His chest felt tight and it wasn't just the binder this time, "I knew he wasn't right" Wilbur said with an inhuman tone as he helped his son up and into the car.

'You couldn't be more disappointing' Fundy saw George from the corner of his eye but he resisted the urge to attack him 'Honestly! You thought you had a chance with Dream?' He chuckled Fundy staring daggers at him 'Woah! Down Betsy! I just wanted to talk' Fundy could hear how happy he was just by that annoying tone of his

"Yeah, Well I don't! YOU RUINED MY WEDDING AND YOU STOLE MY FIANCÉ, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SELFISH YOU ARE?" Fundy growled while pulling on George's shirt

'You call yourself a man yet you still act like a bitch.'

George pushed Fundy off him and walked away while he walked in the opposite direction
(George walked somewhere towards the prison so Fundy walked the other direction)

(Fundy's POV)
'I can't believe that jerk' I muttered as I followed the waters edge 'what does he have that I don't?' I thought trying to list all the reasons where me and Dream went wrong, Why we weren't a good couple, I mean, come on, I'm pretty smart, Strong, Charming, what else do I need?.
or is it..

because of what I have?

I thought for a moment about what George said and—

He was right.

George and I are definitely.. different but I doubt it was because I'm a..
because.. I was born a—

No.. Surely not, right? I mean— Dream can be rude and honestly a big jerk at times but he wouldn't leave me for having a bigger chest right?! I didn't notice but my pace quickened and I ended up sprint-walking through a dark-spruce forest,

Dream isn't that type of person.

I told myself trying to calm down as I dug my hands deep in the snow in hope to cool off

Dream.. loves me.

The snow wasn't helping and neither was saying his name

I'm not a girl— I'm not a girl— I'm not a—


I heard a familiar voice but no owner for it "Who— Where are you?" I stood up and brushed any excess snow off me, My hands were shaking most likely because of the cold but I still couldn't find the owner of the voice "Great, And now I'm hallucinating!" I said sarcastically

'Really? It might just be the fact that you're extremely cold'

I jumped and turned behind me finally seeing Phil 'Sorry, Did I give you a fright?' He chuckled and wrapped a coat around me "I— No, I just— I didn't expect you to be here" I stuttered snuggling closer into the coat placed around me 'Mate, I live here, Why wouldn't I be here?' He crossed his arms but didn't seem to be wanting a fight—

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