NB Ranboo (angst)

725 16 13

   (Based of experiences of my own)

Family drama??
Sh*t writing

            (((NOT PROOF READ)))

3rd person POV)

They had found out around 8 months ago when Eret was talking to them about lgbtqia stuff (Sexuality's, Pronouns, Genders) "Then there's nonbinary! Gender neutral, they usually use they/them pronouns but some wish to use neo-pronouns which are also totally valid!" It started to hurt them when Phil or Techno referred to them with 'he' and even though it's not their fault.. they want so bad to just yell at them and tell them, but they were the only family they have left and they didn't want to lose them.

Phil,Techno and Ranboo were walking around l'manburg, they wanted to see Tommy's Hotel so they started heading there, Well that was before Samnook stopped them (I have no clue how to impersonate an npc but I'll give it my hardest) "HELLO... TECHNOBLADE WHAT SEEMS TO BRING YOU HERE?" the three of them stared at the creeper with what seemed to be bear ears and a flower shirt "That's Samnook, I don't know where They came from but I know their job is to protect Tommy" Ranboo whispered to the other 2 before the three looked behind Samnook seeing Tommy.

'didn't expect you here' Tommy said mumbling "Welcome to the biginnit hotel!" His mood changing quickly as he pointed to big red building next to them "Of course we'd be here!" Phil said trying to seem proud although he secretly knew that Tommy couldn't of built this by himself "We're family aren't we?" He said with a chuckle and sarcasm "Yeah.. totally" Tommy rolled his eyes "I really only expected Ranboo to be here since he's the only one who cares about everyone here" God that pained them, they were so close to wanting to blow this place up "We're family of course I care!" Phil sorta yelled he didn't need to be here he didn't want to be here "You seem to care more about Ranboo more though!-"
He tried to cut himself of at the end but it was to late "Wait no I didn't mean it like that- I meant Ranboo yeah he's amazing" They glared at Tommy wanting to just yell and scream "He can teleport.. He's an enderman.. HE'S-" They were so done with everyone's bullshit.

They were so done with everyone else's bullshit.

"THEY!" They screamed everyone turning to them "I'M NONBINARY, I USE THEY/THEM PRONOUNS, I AM VALID AND I'M LETTING EVERYONE KNOW THAT!" They growled at everyone tears in their eyes.

'You've fucked up big time Ranboo'

They thought to themself before running off they didn't know where to but they ran and ran just to get away from..




or just because you can't control yourself to not get mad at them?

(Word count:

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