A/N + Teaser chapter

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So our lockdown was extended which means more online school— Which means chapters might not come out as quickly as I want them to I apologise so here's a quick teaser.


3rd POV:
"Another win for you hm?" Sapnap said wiping the sweat off his forehead with a cold towel 'What's that supposed to mean?' Dream said with a scoff taking another jug out of his bottle "Nothing- Hey do you-" He gets cut off by someone walking in 'Good job out there Smiles... You too Blaze' The brown haired flag boy said passing out some extra towels "Gee' thanks" Sapnap rolled his eyes slumping on the bench out of frustration 'Hey flag-boy' The boy turned looking at who was mentioning him clearly not wanting to be there
'How are you?' Dream smiled he didn't always get a chance to talk to the familiar flag-boy when they were behind the scenes and even when he did it was just short hi's and bye's
'I'm okay'.. 'Is that all you wanted or?...' On and off 'camera' he was completely different, On camera he was confident and loved to play with some of the fans and very rarely some lucky racers though while Off camera he was quiet and somewhat intimidating..

even if he lacked height compared to the racers.

'Well I was hoping for a 'how are you back' but whatever— Yeah- No- I wanted to ask you a few questions actually' He looked at the flag-boy waiting for some form of permission to speak 'You're not a dog smiles' You don't need my permission to speak.. If I was that sick of you I'd just leave' He places the basket of towels down on the bench to lean against the lockers behind him

'1. What's your name?
2. Favourite colour?
3. Are you going to race one day?
4. Are you here to have fun or mainly for the money?
5. Why do you call me the name of my car?
6. How old are you?'

He took a few deep breaths hoping the brunette would be atleast a tad bit polite after this

'1. N/A (Not available)
2. Colourblind
3. Never crossed my mind so probably not
4. I guess both
5. You're not special. I call everyone the name of their VEHICLE.. Take blaze for example
6. Old enough to drive

Is that it? I want to go home'

Dream nodded his head and said his goodbyes to him "Well he's just great at conversations isn't he?" Sapnap said sarcastically squirting some water into his mouth from a distance.


There's a lot more in the actual chapter but that's just a quick teaser  for anyone who cares.

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