Just came for the prize

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Point of the story:
Technoblade broke into the castle for his "prize" and stumbled upon something's he probably shouldn't of seen..

Technoblades POV:
I snuck down the halls crossing out each room I went in until I found the right one.. The one with what I originally came for.

I heard some voices as I went around the corner, 2 British accents that sounded godly familiar 'Eret! This is MY kingdom MY kingdom to rule I don't need some petty scum to try to take it from me!' I watched George and Eret bickering before I heard the voice of a well known green man.

'ERET! That is enough, The kingdom is George's to rule you may- No actually- You WILL step out of the castle by Thursday'

'3 days?!' I thought to myself and quickly hid behind a wall as Eret stormed out of the room Dream and George glaring at her with slight smirks 'So long "QUEEN" Eret" George smirked looking back at Dream "Congrats, You got a kingdom to rule now" Dream didn't seem pleased but George was more excited then ever "There is so many things I have to do now! Dream, Be my King! You can rule beside me, Sapnap could be head of guards and armoury!—" George finally noticed the look on Dreams face "But! First we can take some time and be the kids we used to be!" George said panicked while Dream got up and headed out of the castle "no, it's fine" he said with a sigh "Rule over your kingdom.. You can talk to sapnap about the armoury thing or whatever"

George POV:
"what just happened he was supposed to be happy for me! What happened to me and Dreams relationship! (Platonic or romantic I'll let you pick reader) we were supposed to stay with each other forever! That's how this story was supposed to go." 

"But sometimes there's a twist in there 'King' George"

Suddenly George had a netherite axe to his face and Technoblade right in front of him "Sometimes people leave you even if they promise to be by your side no matter what" Techno looked mad as he hit me in the head and I blacked out.

Technoblades POV:
I spat at George and continued my search to find my prize, I took lefts and rights, I went forward, I went back but no hope

Well until'

"I found it.."

I looked at the Blood Red,White and golden cape with wide eyes quickly snatching it as with the crown quickly booking it back home


When I got home I quickly put it on and gleamed, it fit so well with my aesthetics—I wanted to screech! I was over joyed at this so I now wear it with pride everyday.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will most likely be making one just based off of George,Dream and perhaps Erets small conflict.

I also would like to let any of you who enjoy my writing that I allow requests! So if you'd like to see something more specific just let me know!

Words: 524

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