Chapter 22: Prelude to Finale

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Rimuru's Pov

After escaping with Shambhala and Adramelech I run straight to the Night Raid base, I am sure I bought some goodwill with them and will be able to rest after devouring Adramelech for its power safely. Staying with Esdeath right now would not be smart with all the chaos that will be happening after what I just did, staying away from that would be wise.

Once I arrived I waited a few hours for Tatsumi and Lubbock to arrive back, if I went in before them it would be strange and they might not trust me as much. When I did enter the two boys I saved were briefing the rest of the team on what happened, it seemed my man Lubbock was really hyping me up, thanks bro.

The only security they have is the threads Lubbock set up so when I knocked on the door to the main room they are shut up and through the door I could feel their tension. I guess making a good security system without modern tech is much harder, other then things like tripwires and trap there is not a ton you can do.

After a few seconds of waiting for a response I entered, when I did a large sigh was released by the people inside, clearly they all had a different thought in the back of there minds on who it was. I also noticed a few less people than before, well most of them are still here so that is all that matters.

I saw a smile on Akame's face and Tatsumi and Lubbock were happy to see me, probably because I saved them earlier today.

"Hey guys, been a while. I just came to ask if you guys mind me staying here for a few days to rest, I used a ton of energy earlier and will be pretty vulnerable for the next few days."

After a brief second Najenda responded.

"I don't think we have much choice but to allow it, we all had started doubting you for a little while, but after you helped Tatsumi and Lubbock by killing Syura and Budo we are not really in a position to question your intentions. If you are weak after your earlier fight it is only natural we would provide you will assistance since you exhausted yourself saving two of us."

All of them looked happy with that except Chelsea, she is probably still mad after I broke her teigu and stopped her from attacking Kurome, well I saved her life by doing that so she should be thankful but I wont say anything. I imagine now she has a desk job which she probably does not enjoy, better to be bored then dead though, I would know after all.

With that I left them to their meeting and went to one of the extra rooms, it wasn't furnished as a bedroom but I do not particularly care.

As I sat against the wall of the room I pulled out the two prized possessions I received earlier today, looking at them I couldn't help but feel joy, these were my way home.

I quickly put Shambhala back into my stomach and devoured Adramelech, this should help me produce and store enough mana to travel home. When I ate it I immediately slumped to the side, I could feel myself losing consciousness, hopefully this works out.

<Notice: Individual Known as Rimuru Tempest has begun undergoing a Racial Evolution.>

<Evolution from type "Slime" to type "Humanoid Slime".... Successful.>

<All body attributes have been enhanced, magical energy recovery and storage has been greatly enhanced.>

After a short time I awake, I could feel the difference as my body felt lighter, I could also feel the magical energy flowing through me seemed more potent. I could feel that I was regaining my depleted magical energy much faster than before as well, it was still slower than in my old world but that was ok. My reserves have also increased by 4x, I feel so much more powerful, obviously I do not know for sure but I am pretty sure I could take on Esdeath now and win.

A potential negative was that now that my race seemed to change I don't seem to have my slime form, it is like now that I am a Humanoid Slime my default appearance is my human appearance.

That is a small price to pay for such a boon so I will not complain though, I don't know how long as I was out though, my gut told me that I had been in an evolutionary sleep for longer than I thought I would be though.

I could try to use Shambhala now to travel worlds but I think I need to analyze it with Great Sage before I try to do anything. My hypothesis is that when I eat a teigu the skill or ability I receive is weaker than the teigu is so I will not be eating Shambhala, at least for now.

I decided to see what is going on now that I am up, I do still have an interest in what happens with the revolution since Akame and Kurome will be at the center of it, I want both of them to have a happy ending before I leave this world.

I did not find anyone in the base and was starting to get confused, where did they all go? How long was I asleep?

Not knowing what else to do I started heading towards the capital, when I got near all I could see were flames.

What the hell happened while I was sleeping?

As I rushed toward it I saw what looked like a big mecha dinosaur looking thing shooting laser beams around, did I miss one episode and this turned into a mecha series?

What the hell is going on?!?!

The End

Hey awesome readers, short chapter but this is the prelude to the final battle and end of Rimuru's adventures in Akame Ga Kill. I have a plan to make a sequel story but I don't knowwhether to just keep going on this story or make a designated Book 2. Let meknow what you guys think, I know it would be annoying to have to find the next book and add it to your library so I am leaning towards just continuing throughon this story. Next chapter will be epic, prepare for so badassery and hype. Voteand leave a comment of what you thought, I read every comment to ask anythingyou want. Like always have a great day and stay safe.

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