Chapter 21: Shift in Mentality

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Rimuru's Pov

After my match earlier I spent the time until nightfall searching the headquarters of The Path of Peace, the beautiful building was a treat to look upon but the activities happening within it would disgust almost anyone who entered it.

Just looking in some of the rooms it might be mistaken for a whore house or brothel instead of one of the most elegant buildings outside of the capital.

The scent of drugs and sex permeated the air to the point that those faint of heart would gag from the stench.

Of course I am used to this kind of thing since entering the world, the sights and sounds of this kind of place are as mundane as someone riding a bike down the street back on Earth to me.

Thinking about that is a depressing thought, how warped are my beliefs and morals at this point to no longer care about people being murdered or raped?

The thought that my change into a slime is the root cause of my shift in emotion and partial loss of empathy, but deep down I know that is an excuse. To live in the world and be strong certain things have to be sacrificed, with me wanting to return to the world I was originally reincarnated into I needed dramatically more strength then the inhabitants of this world would need, thus the sacrifices even more severe.

Since coming to this world my emotional and mental health has been going down at a steady pace, this world is that depressing to live in, at least compared to everything I know.

I wonder if when I get back to my little town if anyone will even recognize me after my dramatic shift in personality. If my change in behavior is like a storm then I am definitely in the eye of it, but that does not mean I don't see the results the storm produced and what will happen the next victims of it.

A prime example of this is my alignment with Esdeath, she is someone I would never befriend at any cost before my training with the Elite Seven, but now I plan to go to a new world with her in toe. Am I ok with subjecting a new world to her wraith?

Most of these questions I have no answer to, the only thing I can unequivocally say is that I have drastically changed during my time in this world. I must leave this world before whatever I am turning into finishes as well, the trail I have been blazing is not a good one.

Unfortunately I do not really have other options at the moment, I need to get Budo's teigu and one I currently believe the Prime Minister's son has, I have to escape this cursed world at once.

After my introspective monologuing was done it was night time and I was in the room assigned to me by our gracious host, he probably isn't happy I killed one of his demons though.

I didn't eat dinner and went to sleep early, and by went to sleep I mean listened to some music with the help of Great Sage. She is definitely a life saver, when I originally died on Earth my biggest regret was not ever having a partner but now my need and longing for one has only grown.

No matter how bad it sounds I have definitely come to rely on Great Sage as my only true friend, someone who I don't have to worry about betraying me, someone reliable, and most of all someone helpful.

Tonight I am sure some things happened that I would hear about tomorrow, not that I care though, I have begun to see clearly again after some quiet time thinking. With Great Sage's help I think I will be able to forge a path towards the outcome I desire, it is dangerous for me to treat this chance as hope but at the same time it could be the light at the end of the tunnel I need.


The Next evening

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