'A literal zombie...' You thought with a grim look on your face as he slowly got up. You figured that this might last quite some time.

An exchange of blows continued between the two of you until you heard screaming echo throughout the area. Noticing your distracted figure, Hanma was quick to land a punch that made you stumble slightly. You shook your head and turned your attention forward.

That voice.... it was Takemichi's screams, no doubt...

Your breathing was starting to stagger, vision blurry. The only thing that kept bringing you back to reality was the distant ache in your fists from punching too much. The pain from getting kicked around had subdued greatly but it was still there.

It seemed that Hanma was getting tired as well, as his punches became sloppier. Taking this as your chance, you tried to end this fight by positioning your fist at the side of his head, only for him to immediately block.

Realising that he fell for your trick, you immediately kicked his legs under him and rotated mid-air to land a kick directly to his head. It knocked him several feet away, but it seemed to have done the trick.

He seemed like he was out cold.

Now that you were finally free, you began to search around the area. Everyone from Toman seemed exhausted but they were mostly standing, with a small few knocked out. Your eyes widened when you suddenly felt a tight grip on your ankle, only for your jaw to be slammed against the floor in the next second, "Hanma, you fucking rat..." You spat with pure malice as you wiped the blood that trailed down from your lips.

"Hehe~ You're the first guy to piss me off this much!!" He cheered as you rolled your eyes at his sickening behaviour. Almost on cue, the annoying police sirens rang in your ears as he slowly got up and grinned at you, "Man, it's been ages since someone took me down... as fun as it is, I'll see you later, little Coordinate!!" He wiggled his fingers at you and just when he was about to run away, he stopped, "Oh, and another thing... from now on, Toman shall not know peace!! I'm gonna-" You cut him off by throwing a rock at his face.

"Fucking leave already, you're hideous!!" His eyebrows twitched at your words but at least he left your sight.

You let out a sigh of pain as you finally let your body stumble to the ground, the pain searing through your skin like a scorching hot fire.

The distant roars of Manjirō's CB250T echoed in your ears as you let out tears of frustration. Will Ken get to live? Will he die? Is it your fault for not keeping an eye on him? Will Manjirō and the others blame you if anything happens to the tattooed boy?

You were so lost in your misery that you completely ignored Keisuke's presence approaching you, "Oi, [Name]!!" He rushed over and gently hovered his hands over your bruised body, eyes widened with immense worry, "Wha-You need to go to the hospital, right now!!"

He seemed like he was about to pick you up and carry you to his bike, but you weakly pushed his hands away and shook your head, "No... is Ken okay?" You croaked, taking deep breaths to stay conscious.

"The ambulance already took him, we're still contemplating what we should do..." He trailed off while eyeing your ripped yukata in worry. Blood seemed to coat every inch of your skin, whether it was yours or someone else's.

"Come on..." You slowly wobbled to stand, shocking the male crouching in front of you, "Hey, hey!! You shouldn't move!! Just sit down, woman!!" He made sure to keep his volume low as he addressed you as a woman, but his shock was still there.

"No way... Manjirō is with Ken and there are lots of our members that need first-aid, right now!" You growled, trying to convince your own body to move properly.

"Speak for yourself, first!!" He tried to grab your arm but you placed a hand on his shoulder and shot him a kind smile, "Look, Keisuke... I just need to check up on the others and make sure Ken is safe, then I promise that I'll get tended to immediately..." You affirmed but your words only made him worry more.

Knowing that you wouldn't give in, the ravenette had no choice but to silently follow behind you like a lost puppy, "Gather, everyone!!" You immediately yelled out as soon as you reached where everyone was hidden from the cops.

Every division captain and vice-captain immediately lined up in the front while their division members followed closely behind. You gaze was cold and collected, a contrast of the emotions you were feeling right now.

You wanted to scream and cry, but you bit down your lip and kept your mouth shut, "Division vice-captains!!" You assembled and they immediately perked upon their summoning, "You are to make sure that each and every injured member of your division is to receive medical assistance, and once done, you may report to your captains via message." You ordered as you turned to the third division which lacked not only a captain but also a vice-captain as Ryohei was in no position to command them.

"You!" You called out a boy with messy black hair pulled into a low ponytail, along with dark green eyes, "Sir!" He immediately straightened up again and you looked at him with a dead serious gaze, "You are to check up on everyone from your division, do you understand?"

He seemed shocked at this sudden responsibility but nonetheless, nodded with pride, "Yes, sir!" Nodding at him, you turned to his figure one last time, "You may report to which ever captain is suitable for you." He bowed again as you looked straight ahead.

"Now, division captains!" You called out as they all straightened as well, "You are to report of any fatally injured members of your division to me, and also to relay the status of our Vice-President's health to your vice-captains so that they may announce it among the divisions, do you understand?!"

"Yes, sir!!" A chorus of yells echoed through the area as you nodded, feeling dizzy again, "That is all, dismissed!!" At your orders, everyone dispersed except for the division captains that stayed alongside you.

"Come on, let's go." You called out, but Keisuke was quick to butt in, "No way in hell!! You're not driving in that state!!" Although silent, the other division captains shared the same thoughts as they nodded quietly.

"Come on, you're riding with me..."

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