Chapter 32 - I love you

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Yeji POV

I woke up earlier than expected maybe because I'm pretty excited. Because today's my birthday!

I jumped out of bed and quickly went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I fixed my hair and went to the living room expecting greetings from my members, only to be met by a half asleep Ryujin laying on the couch and Lia looking through netflix with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Good morning you two" I greeted the two cheerfully. I was expecting them to greet me with a happy birthday this time, but...

"Ohh, morning Yeji, you're up early"

"Urghhh, I barely got to sleep last night"

"You can only blame yourself, you were in a call with Jake all night"

While the two was bickering, I felt kinda sad. Did they really forget my birthday?

Thirdperson POV

While the two continued bickering, Yeji went to te kitchen, sulking. Ofcourse the two noticed, and they felt really bad about it.

"Do we really have to do this unnie?"

"As much as I feel bad for her, we need to stick to the plan"

Yeji sat at the kitchen table, holding a cup of hot chocolate in her hands, and taking a sip from it. Then out of nowhere, the two maknae stepped foot in the kitchen.

This ofcourse made Yeji happy, as she expected greetings from the two.

"Good morning Yuna, Chae"

"Good morning unnie" the two replied.

Yeji was once again dumbfounded. The two just walked past her and got some orange juice from the fridge. This made her sulky even more.

As the day continued, the ignoring just continued. They watched a few movies together, but still didn't get a greeting, they had lunch outside together, but still didn't get a greeting. Worst of all, the love of her life, Y/n, only messaged her once the entire day, and that message was him saying that he'll be busy for the day.

She was certain that it's her birthday since midzys are greeting her online, whether it be bubble, twitter, or instagram, everyone was greeting her, except for her groupmates and her love.

She looked at her phone, and saw the time, it's almost 6:00 and no one from her group have greeted her. Even the birthday vlive she was expecting, was nowhere to be found.

She just went back to her room and hugged her pillow while droplets of tears escaped from her eyes.

"They must've completely forgot" she said to herself.

But while she crying to herself, her phone dinged. She almost didn't want to look at it thinking that it's another one of the thousands of fans greeting her, but she feels like this one is different, so she grabbed her phone and opened it. And she was right, it is different, it was from the love of her life. She was expecting it to be a birthday greeting, but it wasn't.

Even though it wasn't what she expected, she still wanted to go with him, it was Y/n after all. She changed into some casual clothes before bidding goodbye to her group and heading outside.

She saw Y/n standing outside their dorm, scrolling through his phone. She tapped him in his shoulder and he looked back at her, she showed him a fake smile before wrapping him into a tight hug.

"I thought you were busy?"

"We decided to practice just half day today, and I haven't seen you in a while so I decided to spend some time with you"

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