Chapter 20 - Breakup

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Third Person POV

It's already been six days after the drunk Y/N incident, and the people around Y/N and Yeji are noticing that they are both starting to fall apart slowly. There have been multiple occassions where both of them had really bad disagreements that almost always ends in a fight which surprised everyone.

The two guys who knows what's going on, Chan and Jake are severely hurt knowing the situation Y/N is in right now and not being able to do anything about it made them feel even worse about themselves. They both look out for Y/N like he's their little brother and both promised to themselves that he would take care of him, so seeing him in this situation breaks their heart.

But ofcourse, the one feeling the worst out of everyone here is Y/N, being forced to split from the love of his life just because he was forced into some arranged relationship that he didn't even want to be in is severely affecting his emotional and mental health.

Everytime he and Yeji had a fight, he would always be crying a river after. At night he could barely sleep because of the guilt and mental stress all piling up, in that six days, he only got two hours of sleep. It was also affecting his job, he can't focus at practice anymore, the mental fatigue is too much, the constant worry for Yeji is also killing him.

He felt guilty that he's hurting Yeji by doing all this, he didn't want this to happen at all, but he has no choice. He knows that if he breaks up with Yeji by just saying he fell out of love, she would try her best to fix their relationship, so the only way he knows how to break up with her, is by making her hate himself.

After all this is over, he wants to be able to make up and apologize to Yeji and take her back, but with how things are going right now, there's no way in hell they're getting back after this. Yeji already hates him now, what more after they break up? After the relationship with Heejin is made public? There's no way she will take any form of apology.

Just thinking of the outcome of this whole mess just makes him feel like shit. The pain, the guilt, the mental suffering he's facing right now, it's all too much to carry for anyone, let alone a 17 year old kid like him.

He would blame himself for everything, he would heavily critisize himself for the smallest of mistakes, anytime something unfortunate happens to him, he would always think that he deserves to suffer.

And now, he just wants to die more than anything, because today is the day that he'll breakup with Yeji. He met up with her on the rooftop of the JYP building. He's been waiting here for a few minutes already, and he can't bare with the pain this is all causing him, it makes him sick, it makes him hate himself, and worst of all, that self hate, combined with all the mental stress has caused him to be depressed.

After a few minutes of waiting, the girl he has been waiting for has finally arrived. She stuck her arm out and gave Y/N a hug which he returned without hesitation, he figured that this might be the last time he will get to hug the love of his life, so he cherished every second of it.

"Why did you call me here babe?" She said with a smile. This just broke Y/N even more, because even though Yeji might hate him, she still loves her, and breaking Yeji's heart is the worst thing he can do in his mind.

But he has no choice, he has to do it, for her sake. "Noona, I don't really want to say this but, let's break up" her eyes widened and she was taken aback. Y/N likes making sarcastic jokes but she never thought he would joke about something like this.

"Yah! You know I don't like jokes like this" his face remained straight, seeing this, Yeji's heart shattered in a million pieces,her eyes started getting watery as her vision started getting blurry.

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