Chapter 17

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I arrived in front of Itzy's dorm and I knocked on the door. It was opened by Ryujin who happily greeted me.

"Hey Y/N, are you here for Yeji unnie?"

"Yes is she here? We have a date today"

"You can go inside, I'll call her"

I entered their dorm and sat on their couch while waiting for Yeji. I scrolled through my phone for a bit while waiting, but suddenly somebody put their hands below my chin and raised it up, causing me to look up.

"Ready for today babe?"

Wow, your getting bold already huh?

"Ofcourse noona, let's go"

I held her hand before both of us exited their dorm. We walked around for the entire day going to coffee shops, eating lunch together, playing the arcade and lastly going to the amusement park where we are now.

"Where do you want to ride?" I asked her

"I don't really know yet, ferris wheel maybe?"

"No, that's the most romantic ride so we save that for last"

"What about roller coaster?"

"Second most romantic so second to last"

"Where do you want to go then?"

I thought for a minute before seeing the haunted house.

"Ohh what about there?" I asked while poining at it

"I don't know, I get scared easily you know"

"Don't worry noona, I'm here to protect you, just cling on me when you want"

She reluctantly agreed and we went to the haunted house together. Once we entered, she held my hand tightly, I can feel that she's nervous because she's walking really slowly and carefully.

After a few moments, a ghost popped up from beside her which caused her to scream loudly. Then after that, A spider dropped in front of her which scared her again. After we turned a corner, a killer clown was waiting for us while holding a bat.

"AAHHHHHH! Let's get out of here now Y/N please"

I held her wrist and ran with her, but the clown was catching up to us so I just carried her so we can run faster.

We were finally able to exit the haunted house while I was panting from exhaustion, it's really hard running with a mask on while carrying someone even if she's as light as a feather.

I looked at her and she's curled up while closing her eyes, she looked so cute but I still kinda hate myself for forcing her here knowing that she gets scared easily.

"Babe we're outside already you can open your eyes now"

Her eyes fluttered open which made my heart skip a beat, we locked eyes for a good minute before I was snapped out of my trance when someone accidentally bumped into me.

"Ohh sorry I didn't mean to"

"Ahh no it's alright"

He went his way and I put Yeji down gently. She started raining slaps on my shoulders and piches in my waist.

"I was so scared Y/N, what if I died oc heart attack there huh?"

She was acting like a little kid and it honestly was pretty cute, I decided to flirt with her a little bit ti get back at her.

"Don't worry noona, I know only I can give you a heart attack" I said as I winked at her

I saw blush slightly even if she had a mask.

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