Chapter 26

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Yuna POV

His cries suddenly stopped, which made me really concerned. I tried to take a peek through a small opening through the door. That's when I heard it.

"If me being gone is what will make you happy, then I'll gladly do it for you, my love"

I bursted throught the door and saw Y/N holding a small pocket knife on his wrist. He whipped his head up, looking at me. The look on his eyes is something I've never seen before, something that couldn't possibly be faked. It was the raw emotion of being so broken you can't control it.

I don't meet him alot, but when I do, his eyes are always the one that leaves their mark to me. He has this really cheerful and lively look in his eyes all the time. And that same cheerfulness, is gone right now. He looks empty, broken, depressed, I can't exactly pinpoint it, but I know it's bad.

I looked at the knife on his wrist again, this time, he's slowly swiping it across his wrist. I screamed, ran at him and held his wrist making him drop the knife.

"What are you doing Y/N?" he didn't answer, instead he just looked at me with the same look as before.

I don't know what to do, so I just hugged him and patted his back, trying to comfort him.

"What's wrong? Please tell me what's wrong. Don't do this, we wouldn't like to see you like this"

"Yuna, I hurt your unnie didn't I? Why do you still care about me?"

"Because you don't deserve to be like this. People still care for you. You still have your fans, your group, your friends, your brother. They wouldn't want this to happen"

There was just silence for a few moments. Until his body started moving, and I heard him sobbing silently. I pulled away and saw him breaking down in tears once again.

"Y/N, just please tell me what's wrong, I'll try to help you as much as I can"

He tried wiping his tears, and I saw it again. The blood on his wrist are now flowing out more and more which made me panick. I quickly grabbed his arm, took my towel from my bag and wrapped it around his wrist to stop the bleeding.

"Why are you so nice to me Yuna? I hurt your unnie, you should go to her instead of me" he said while wiping his tears again. "I don't want to repeat myself, now tell me what's wrong"

He took a deep breath before reaching for a tupperware beside him. A pretty big one if I may add, it's like he prepared it for two people.

"I'm guessing you haven't had lunch yet so, do you want to talk while eating?" I nodded and sat beside him. He took a small plate from his bag and put some rice in it before putting the dish from the tupperware and handing it to me.

It's a chicken with what looks like soy sauce, but it smells sweet and sour at the same time. "Did you make this?" He nodded and gave me a spoon and fork. I took a spoonful of rice with the chicken and took a bite. It's so good, not only the flavor, but it feels like he put so much thought into it, like he made it for someone special for him. And it looks like that someone special isn't here today seeing as I'm the one eating it right now.

"This is so good Y/N!" He smiled and silently muttered a thank you. I got curious as to why he made so much, so I decided to ask him.

"I just want to ask, why is there so much? Did you prepare it for someone else or do you just eat alot?"

He stayed silent for a moment, so I internally panick, thinking I might've offended him. I was about to apologize when he decided to speak up.

"I actually made it.... for someone, I was hoping to share it with her, but she refused"

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