Masato Hijirikawa X Reader

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Category: Uta no Prince Sama

Word Count: 1,006

I got his Joyful Birthday UR on my first step, an SR that surprised me by changing into a UR! I love it in cards when they gaze directly at you and interact with you in some way, usually a hand out for you etc. It makes it feel amazingly intimate! I get squeamish and blushy thinking about it haha ///^-^///

Happy Birthday Masato Hijirikawa~!

December 29th, 2021



sudden enlightenment~

You are slow in taking a seat on the piano bench. There's a piece of music in front of you titled Happy Birthday in beautiful handwriting. You notice its penmanship, loopy and filled with excellently finished flicks. Dutifully practiced calligraphy. Under the title, you laugh a little at the parenthesis (Good-morning to Masato).

Watch caught your eye when you first entered the room was the perfectly placed present stationed on the piano lid. It is a soft midnight blue, the colour of your eyes, fitted with a bow that is white decorated with translucent snowflakes that shine in the light when you move.

With a tender hand, you remove the lid from the present, both hands coming to pick up the contents inside. It's a tiny doll, so small it only fits in the palm of your hand, the length spanning from the inside of your wrist to the knuckles before your nails being.

It's you. Or well, it's you in the form of a doll. Crocheted and made together with the utmost care. The shade of his hair and his eyes are so exact he marvels at the grandness of it. They even remembered your mole, a part of you some people forget. The doll is wearing the Saotome Academy uniform, tailored to fit the doll's body. The details of the emblem badge on the doll's breast has you running a soft thumb over it in awe.

You squeeze the doll's body just a little, releasing in the softness of it all. Eye's rising upward you peak a note in the bottom of the present, taking it out to inspect it. Deep blue eyes begin to water, even so you are careful to not get the letter in your hand nor the doll held in the other wet at any cost.

Dear Masato,

Thank you for all your lessons on how to crochet. I actually started so I could create something for you, so really I was using you in a sense, so I apologize... I've seen how happy Mai-chan is when you embroider cute little rabbits and adorable puppies on handkerchiefs for her. I wanted to do it for you to, but decided I wanted to crochet a doll together as something you could hold on to it and look at it fondly.

Is it odd to snuggle up to a doll that is a replica of yourself? Maybe it is... I know it would be even weirder if it was a doll in my image. That would be ridiculous of me to do that, wouldn't it have?

I've come to realize that I don't feel right. Right about you, or well I mean not the way you would like. I like you as more than just idol and idol. Our relationship is more than just that to me. I think I've come to love you in the way our songs convey. Me saying this changes everything, but it doesn't have to. Just knowing how you feel on your end will make me come to terms and either move on or move forward with you. So to just get it all out there before I crumble another paper for the 8th time in just the last hour...

You're really special to me, more than you know...

I love you, Masato Hijirikawa.

And happy birthday


Your most loyal friend

You lowered the letter onto your lap, shiny eyes gazing at the doll in your hand once again. They had indeed asked for lessons on how to crochet. With your help they had learned quickly, creating small animals with the height of someone's pinky to even bigger. The time you spent with them was the happiest you'd ever been. Having them there to talk to you and take what you loved to create something new.

Too soon though there was nothing left to teach and you had to watch as the scheduled times you spent together were now empty. Gone were the appointments with them on your personal calendar. Weeks of time alone, just with them. You were left without their voice and without their insightful input when conversing together on meaningless topics. As their hands became more skilled with every day that passed the more anxious you become. The day did come when you heard them say they didn't need any more lessons.

Now you knew why. Why they asked how to create semi-accurate figured dolls with tailored clothes. You hadn't gotten to witness them make a doll at all, because it was right here. Their hard work and dedication all in this little doll for your birthday. So much time was spent on a present that they weren't even sure you would like. So much time spent rewriting a letter that revealed pure and simply their feelings for you that could either be crushed or lifted with the awaited response.

Folding the letter back up to pack it inside the present once more you clutch the doll tight to your chest. You flee the music room on a mission. The sun has barely set, you just pray they haven't retired to their room yet.

You have something to tell them. Something you've been holding in since you first laid eyes on them, the first time you heard them sing, and the first time you were granted the pleasure of having a duet with them.

There they were, walking unaware to their dorm.

Their fingers sliding across yours as you grab their hand is something incredible. The way they turn around eye's alight, mouth parted open in exclamation. You want those eyes to always look at you. You want to feel those lips on yours.

You have to tell them how you feel. Tell them how you, Masato Hijirikawa feel.

They see who you are, they see what you hold close to your chest. The blush sprinkling their face has time stopping as you muster up all the courage within you.

"Y-you're really special to me! I love you too!"

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