Exhaling her chagrin with a frown, Bridgette spun around to see a dark skinned girl with blonde hair glaring at her. Bridgette looked at her right-she's quite sure the space was wide enough for that stupid girl and her assistant to walk through and avoid her. She never met someone so stupid who would walk only in straight line like an idiot.

"Aren't you gonna move?!"

"Why should I?" Bridgette answered, trying not to lose her cool. She glanced back to her phone and read Aimi's message and it annoyed the girl. "Do you know who I am?"

"Kizuna sama, please stop..." Her companion pleaded. He's carrying three shoe boxes and have four shopping bags in each of his arms. The poor guy looked at Bridgette as if pleading to just move away, something she won't do when she got pissed.

"Do I have to know you?"

"The nerve!! I'm Kizuna Toudou, granddaughter of the Toudou House!" Kizuna proudly announced. It just made Bridgette to raise her brow. So she's a Toudou. I'm a Kisaragi but I don't think I've ever acted like a female dog as she is, she thought.


She almost laughed just by looking at Kizuna's irated face. Her parents had always taught her that being wealthy doesn't give you the right look down on others. "Poor people doesn't know how to respect those who were above them," Kizuna looked at her with a mocking smile on her face. She pointed to a red Audi parked in the far left side of the lot. Bridgette rolled her eyes on sight of it.

She was surprised when Kizuna's face changed from montrous to that pretentious kind of look. She starts waving and furiously shouting "Seijuro samaaaa!"

Another bitchy fangirl.

"Yo, Kizuna chan." A deep voice called out. He almost sounded like Seiran that Bridgette turned to her side and become face-to-face with a tall, attractive man. His skin is tanned, have a muscular body built similar to Shuu, darker shade of platinum hair and deep grey eyes. He readily smiled at her.

"Seijuro sama! This girl won't move out of my way!" Kizuna immediately complained to the newly arrived hunk. He gives off a Seiran aura, making Bridgette sigh at the very thought of him. "Such a stupid thing to say."

"Well, Kizuna chan, the space is so wide so why not just leave her alone?" Seijuro guy winked at Bridgette and it instantly annoyed her. Kizuna pouted and rolled her eyes at her, then bragged about her new car that she bought for ¥10M. The big guy complimented Kizuna's car and again the girl turned to Bridgette with a spitting look. "Bet she didn't have one."

"Oh, I wouldn't be here if I don't drive ny own car."

"Yeah, she's right." he agreed. Kizuna frowned once again. "So? How much is your car?"

"Is price necessary?" That Seijuro hunk asked. It seems that Kizuna Toudou wouldn't want anyone not to take on her side. Bridgette shrugged her shoulders and said two million. Kizuna laughed at her, saying that her car alone was worth five times Bridgette's car.

The big white van on Seijuro's back slowly moved out of its car park space, revealing a shiny black Bugatti Veyron to them. Seijuro's eyes widened together with his smile. "So someone's driving a sportscar like that in Japan?" he commented.

"Did I mentioned that I bought my car in dollars?" Bridgette said to Kizuna as she pressed the remote control for the car door to open. "It means my car alone is worth 21 times the price of your car." She flipped her flaxen hair and walked towards her car. Seijuro smiled. "Who are you?"

Bridgette shrugged, ride on her car and drive at full speed, leaving Seijuro amazed and Kizuna annoyed.

☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆

Aimi and Emi had been chatting for good thirty minutes waiting for Bridgette to arrive. They both have speculations on what the meeting would be about: Bridgette's dessonance. Aimi had reprimanded her through mails on why she didn't picked up her phone last night, but she's more curious on what had possibly happened for her to act like that.

"You're late!" she scolded Bridgette when she arrived at the restaurant. It's half past two and Aimi had eaten two custards already, much to her dismay. Bridgette just shook her head and said sorry; she detailed to them her meeting with Toudou Kizuna and a guy named Seijuro.

"You must be talking about Seiran's big bro!" Aimi exclaimed. She's fairly acquainted with the Mizukis, not to mention that she's Tokiya Oshiro's granddaughter. Aimi and her brother Takashi had spent her childhood years in France and since she came back 8 years ago, she became acquainted with Seiran and Seijuro.

She's laughing her heads off at sight of Bridgette's shocked face. It's true that they didn't looked much alike-Seijuro is more athletic and outgoing type compared to Seiran. Their physical attributes are kinda different, too.

"Do you want to tell us something?" Emi asked Bridgette. They both tried to lighten up her mood because she still have that sullen look in her face. She also complimented her hair; Aimi was used with that colour that she didn't even bothered to mention it to Bridgette.

"Aimi, please arrange a meeting for me and Shinchan after our exams."

Aimi looked at her while sipping on her drink. "Why not today or next Sunday?"

"I'm not ready to face him..."


"Bridgette, what happened between you and Mizuki senpai?" Emi cutted on Aimi's words. "Senpai's face was happy when he's carrying you then it became terribly scary after he put you down to the field. Tachibana san and him had a small fight because he put you down." She exhaled. "What happened?"

The two girls had their jaws dropped when Bridgette rested her forehead to her palms, clutching on her hair as tears flowed steadily on her cheeks. They've seen Bridgette cried her heart out, but the despair in her eyes were too intense they already knew what's running in her mind.

"I can't understand myself. All these years until now, I'm in loved with Shinji so much. But eversince that day in the sakura hill, I know that I fell hard for him."

Aimi looked at Emi and gave her a smile. They've been talking about it lately; Seiran and Bridgette's closeness is going up to the next level. They can see how they look each other, and even if they deny it, they surely got the 'couple vibes'.

She continued draining her eyes. Emi whispered to Aimi that she might've been crying since yesterday. Not only that Shinji came to get her and she was in love with Seiran, there's also Ren whom she also trusts and Aki who sees her more than just a friend.


"What should I do?" she's having a hiccup while she utter her words. "Why won't he fall in love with me?" Emi and Aimi came to her side-Emi wiped the tears in her eyes while Aimi stroked her head to calm her down.

"What should I do?" Bridgette asked once again. Her face reflects despair and resignation.

"I'm madly in love with Seiran Mizuki."

That's Seiran's Aniue on the cover, the hot Seijuro Mizuki!! I know they don't look alike even just a bit but hey, even twins sometime don't look like each other!

Thanks for reading TPR as always. You guys always made my day. \m/

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