Chapter 8- First time

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"She betrays him, revealing that their love alone is not enough"

On the initial day when he started to associate with his classmates, he made a purposeful endeavour to reconcile with his new pals, conceding the necessity to retrieve their trust and show his sincere intentions. Resolved not to emulate Chloé's demeanour by resorting to vindictiveness or making groundless comments as she did, even more, he was determined to show his tenderheartedness towards them.
And he demonstrated it, whenever they required something he was constantly there for them. They as well, call it a fencing contest, a piano recital or listening to him on the phone talking in a language they didn't understand, just for the sake of it.
He had learned the hard way that his old friend was, for instance, a classist, even if this statement was unfounded as he constantly saw her as giving a cold shoulder to everyone even with kids with power inherited from their parents such as Kagami, Anaxagore, Ammonios or his then ex Saraswati and until recently when they broke their friendship and started to spread openly with him, she became a bigot.
So he did see why he had to make amends to befriend them. And he did start the first time they talked, he solicited to be pardoned by them, which in an arcane manner Alya didn't throw a chair in his direction - as Nino had told him years later -, as the gum incident where Marinette had uttered profanities for his 18 last generations (肏你祖宗十八代) and named him a bad egg (坏蛋) in Mandarin, he remained stunned by her words towards him, as he had never been exposed to such crude language or insults directed at him before. Regardless of feeling insulted when she blamed and cursed him, he was the one to apologise to her a few hours later when she appeared calmer. He even tried to offer her his umbrella, but she ebbed and wandered into the downpour with her rucksack over her head, dissipating into nowhere. Despite initially rescinding his pardon, she eventually supported him in making friends with his classmates and even smiled at him when Chloé wasn't looking which was on rare occasions. He saw a lot more later that she had a dimple.

But that was it, he constructed some sort of ties with his classmates and made himself his patch through the little Alya, Nino, and Marinette group, he developed together with them, had inside jokes, knew about their plans for the future, and learned every detail of them. Yet, he still conserved his boundaries and raised his walls when he felt he had to, even if they still separately pocketed parts of him. Alya knows he likes to compose, Nino knows about how his relationship with his defunct mom was, and Marinette knows about his gradual loathe for fencing and how it appeared like the piano was mocking him whenever he considered playing it.

But Chloé knew him to the bone marrow, she knew why he was devoted to the Christian God, she knew how his episodes were circling inside of one another ouroboric compelling him to dig a dent again to be eaten again by worms underground because no matter how hard he ran, he would continue to bleed non-stop. She knew almost everything about him.

After he saw the memory from a few days ago hoping to blast off whatever he did on that cursed evening. He wished he was capable of compelling everyone to overlook what they attended, as for an instant everyone had a moment of unprecedented, desiring just for a moment to be seen rather than heard, like a poster, like a statue, like an object of art you see even when you are far away from it. But it wasn't the case unfortunately as his Lady's stupefied face was talking with him through the waves of her eyes.

Regardless of his condition, the habit of the days was getting colder.

The days approaching November when the wind blasts the windows open with the deluge as if the drizzle had a crazy longing for the earth that seems to have missed kissing the soil with the passion of mother nature, some students of all kinds and suffering acquaintances are still looking half-tired from last night's party, panicking, or repeating their homework in their minds, closing their eyes every three seconds.
What was left of the month and future courses will resume the literature constituent on school and adolescence with descriptions by some authors about how youth was defined as a literary theme in ancient times and as a result of the incessant attempts of human beings to inspire themselves and the world. Since the beginning of the third millennium BC, the Epic of the model of heroes who discover, in the transition from adolescence to adulthood, infinite human matters: friendship, loyalty, hope, lust, (even if it was to be more explained when they would reach the chapter for love) and devotion, as the crucial side of the rally of all. Prominent cultural literature proposed incredible prototypes of formation by probing for an epitome signified by self-knowledge that can represent didactic stories of one who, gaining unique backgrounds, recognizes the drama of the human condition as a sequence of ages or as an advancement of existential settings. Half of the students didn't understand, and then their teachers told them about Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Le Petit Prince, indicating to them the ground of life, love, responsibility, self-discovery, courage, and innocence.
Relative to the individual, the adolescent generates a whole literature in which poetry stands next to them, a novel, and confessional writing are pushed down their necks as if they have an idea why they have to learn some of the poems. Nonetheless, he appeared to write about the jim-dandy of youth, already knowing what his teacher expected from him, even if he did not live to have a simple adolescent experience.

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