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"Aaron" Spencer speaks in a small voice as he walks into Hotch's office at their shared home and Hotch had heard his tone of voice often enough to know that something is seriously wrong,

"What's wrong?" Worried he gets up from his chair and walks towards him.

"I don't know." He whimpers and let's Hotch guide him over to the living room but hisses when Hotch touches him, "Don't do that"

"You're warm." Hotch states worried before despite Spencer's wishes touching his forehead, "You are burning up, let me get the thermometer" To Spencer's relief Hotch's burning hands let go from his face and he closes his eyes in relief. The lights in the living room are hurting his eyes and even when he has them closed, he wishes he could have it darker.

He whimpers again when Hotch touches his face to get access to his ears "It's okay, you are okay" The older man assures him while Spencer's fights him weakly, not wanting the cold feeling in his ear, it runs down his neck and shoulder and it feels wrong, it feels so wrong, "Honey, Spencer, I need you to take a deep breath and then to stay still okay? I have to check your temperature."


"I know" Hotch waits for a moment until he seems to have catched himself before he tries again, "You are okay, it's almost over." Even without the confirmation, Hotch had been sure he must have a fever by the way he is sweating and it makes sense when he thinks about how overstimulated he was yesterday and how he screamed when Derek touched him and how he kept on insisting that it's to loud on the jet and to bright on the outside and eventually calmed down ones he got to bed. "I am going to wake up Derek now okay?"

Spencer nods and anxiously grabs the blanket that had been placed on the sofa, "It's just a cold okay? It will be over before you know it."


"We will get you something to cool down okay? You are not in any danger."

"I am"

"I promise you, you are not." Hotch gives him a reassuring smile, "Tell me why you think you are in danger?"

"Fever makes- fever makes- fever makes me- fever makes me- fever makes my brain messy."

"How far?" Hotch questions, he knows fever dreams from Jack and Haley would be out of the light with the smallest temperature.

"I hate germs."

"I know, but my question was how far does the fever make your brain messy?" He tries again,

"Nightmares" Spencer explains, "And when it gets bad, I tend to hallucinate" He whispers, "Gideon said it's only normal with a brain like mine. And with-with my anxiety." Hotch looks down on him while he coughs, "I am scared I will."

"We are here okay? And we caught the fever, maybe we can keep it down. I will wake Derek to get to the pharmacy alright?"

"Thank you"

"There is no need to thank me, you just stay here." By the time Derek gets downstairs, Spencer is already asleep again, "Take Jack with you and drop him off at Dave's. The last thing Spencer needs is him running around."

"I will" Worried Derek looks at Spencer, "Get a cold washcloth on his head or something, he is sweating like a pig."

"He just fell asleep."

"And by the looks of it, he still will be asleep after you put it on.''Sceptical Hotch follows his demands, lowering the cold cloth carefully onto Spencer's forehead who doesn't react at all and just keeps on sleeping. Even when Jack comes downstairs and says goodbye  to his dad he does not stir one bit, "Keep him calm, don't tell him if his fever gets up" Derek instructs him with Jack on his arm before giving him a kiss, "And you old man, take a deep breath, he is just sick."

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