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"What is up with you?" Spencer questions when the little boy at his hand is awfully quiet, "You don't like your icecream?"

"I do"


"Nothing." Jack mumbles.

"You don't seem like nothing." Derek points out. "Come here," He leads him over to a bench, both men sitting down on each side of him, "What's going on?"


"Buddy you don't look like nothing. It's okay." Derek tries prying the truth out of him.

"You can tell me everything" Spencer adds placing a hand on the kid's leg while Derek nods encouraging at his actions. "Only if you want."

"Last night- when- when I was supposed to be asleep Daddy came in my room." He starts, looking down on his legs. "And he- he laid down on my bed and hugged me really tight and he was crying. I could feel his tears dripping all over my skin and he was breathing all weird."

"Oh I am sorry" Comforting Derek moves his hand up to his thin hair, "Did you tell him?"

"No I pretended to be asleep."

"That's okay." Spencer assures him, "We are gonna talk to him okay? Make sure he is alright."

"He never cries"

"I know. Your father is a very strong man." Derek tells him,

"But it's okay sometimes he will cry too, it's just to let all his bed feelings out." Spencer adds.

"Was he sad because of mom again?"

"We are gonna find out okay?" Derek promises him. "Why don't we eat our icecream and then keep walking down this zoo and in the evening Spencer and I are gonna talk to your dad?"

"That's okay."

"Perfect" Once the kid had got this off his chest he quickly got a lot chattier than before and when he arrived home the whole thing was already forgotten. "Why don't you get ready for bed Jack? We gotta talk to your Dad for a minute?"

"Why don't you bring him to bed?" Spencer questions looking at Derek. "That's a cool thing right Jack?"

"Please, uncle Derek!" Jack begs while Derek gets the hint that Hotch is more comfortable around Spencer than he is around Derek. "Please, Dad"

"Of course" Hotch agrees and Derek leads them into the bathroom, "Is everything okay? Did something happen?"

"He is fine he just- ehm-" Nervously Spencer fiddles with his hands, "It's just that he noticed you crying last night and I- I wanted to ask if you are okay."

"I am fine." Hotch quickly bites out adding on a smile that is supposed to assure him that.

"It seemed like you were pretty shaken up."

"It was just a bad dream. Nothing to worry about." Hotch presses while tears are already forming in his eyes again and Spencer gets the slight assumptions that Hotch didn't ask Derek and him to take Jack for the day because of a migraine.

"What was it about?"

"It's okay. Really." Hotch presses, "Can I make you something to eat-"

"Hotch" Spencer stops him stepping forward. "You can tell me."

"It was about you and Jack" He whispers barely able to hold his tears in as he looks Spencer into the eyes, "Foyet got to you and he made me choose- and- and there was so much blood- I couldn't even recognize your face anymore and Jack- Jack was just laying there in your blood-" With that he breaks out in tears, turning away when Jack and Derek step out of the bathroom and Derek quickly leds him into his bedroom while Spencer stands there with Hotch, "I am sorry. I am so sorry"

"It's okay. You can cry. You let me cry all the time." Spencer assures him and awkwardly pats his arms. "I am here- if you- if you need me."

He catches himself rather quickly but when Derek notices Hotch pulling Spencer as close as possible while they watch a sport game he doesn't comment on it, as less as he comments on when his boyfriend suddenly spends more nights at Hotch's and comes back in the morning rambling about how Hotch watched a movie with him, or how Hotch took him and Jack to the fair, or how Hotch taught him how to make his famous pancakes.

He just knows that both man repair something deep inside of them in those moments, no one else could possibly understand.

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