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"I am sorry for your lost" Spencer states, looking Hotch into the eyes, flowers in his hand that look like they have been through a lot. "I am sorry for your lost" He repeats, still sticking out his arm in Hotch's direction.

"Right, right, thank you." Hotch wipes a single tear away accepting the flowers and putting them down in his desk. "Why don't you go over to your desk? Get some paperwork done." He tries getting his subordinate out of his office before he breaks down. "Please"

"Sir I know I am not- Sir you don't look very good."

"Reid please- I appreciate the gesture." He tries again, already turning away, holding the back of his hand unser his nose to stop it from running, to somehow keep the sob in that is creeping it's way up.

He thought he was ready to come back to work, he thought he was ready to move on but Spencer caught him off guard. Spencer who tends to withdraw from sensitive situations and shies away from talking to his friends when they are hurt.

"Sir, do you want me to take Jack sometimes? So I can help? I could take him to the museum tomorrow."

"Thank you, Spencer. But I don't need your help but I will keep that in mind okay? Why don't you go finish your files?" Hotch tries again, missing the fact that Spencer won't get the hint to leave him alone. "Reid please, go." He presses out shortly before he breaks out into a sob, holding himself with one arm at his desk before he slowly lowers himself to the floor. "I am sorry, I am so sorry. I wished I could have saved her." He stammers, his voice loud but thin, if he would scream right now, it would probably cut off Spencer thinks as he walks around him and kneels down in front of him. "I loved her so much."

"She knows. I am sure she always knew." Hesitant he places a hand on Hotch's shoulder. "Haley was really sensitive, she must have heard it in your phone call how much you loved her. She was very smart and empathetic. I liked her very much"

She likes you a lot too Hotch wants to say but all he can do is feel the pain in his jaw, and the tight knot in his throat when he thinks of that and it takes him a moment to realize what is happening when Spencer moves into his space and wraps his arms around Hotch, gently pulling him close, his knee between Hotch's legs, his chin placed on Hotch's shoulder trying to gain as much contact as possible.

"Thank you." Hotch whispers taking his hand up to Spencer's head, "Thank you, thank you" He repeats and wraps his arms around him too, "thank you"

"You are welcome, Sir."

"You could stop with the sir you know?" He brings out with a chuckle. "We are passed that."

"That would be highly unprofessional. But I will try considering this a uncommon situation."

"Thank you." Hotch can feel Spencer leaning his full weight against him, "You don't have to do this."

"I do"

"You do?"

"I am comforting you, because you were crying." He explains and then adds, "I am sorry I made you cry, I wanted to cheer you up and be respectful. I am sorry I did something wrong."

"You did nothing wrong." He assures him and moves out of the hug. "You know what? Why don't you get your stuff? We could head out early and spend some time at my place? Jack has been waiting to show someone his new room and I will cook us something nice."

"I would like that." Spencer reaches up, wiping the tears of Hotch's face in the same way Morgan does it with him and then gets up from the floor walking out of the door while Hotch keeps kneeling down, looking out the window into the sky seeing the stars shining in the dark and for some reason, maybe it was the wish for someone comforting him that silently had been with him for so long all he can think when he sees a shooting star is that this is Haley's doing.

That this is Haley's way of saying it back. That this is her way of saying that she still hears and understands him. Just like she did all those years before.

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